On 23 Nov 00 at 20:22, Alan Cox wrote:
> > vmware-2.0.3-786 refused to run.  Running vmware-config.pl resulted in a
> > the following message:
> Run 2.4.0-test11-ac3

Hi Alan,
  is change to field name temporary, and name will be reverted back
to flags, even although contents may differ between 2.2.x and 2.4.x,
or is there features to stay? Currently VMware does

"^\(features\|flags\).* tsc"

but question is - should we leave it here, or revert it back?

  BTW, as I told couple of times here, if you have problem with VMware
on 2.3.x/2.4.x kernel, please first visit news server news.vmware.com
and look into vmware.for-linux.experimental newsgroup. If you'll not
find fix/workaround here (this one is there since Tigran pointed it to
me more than week ago - Nov 15, 02:59 CET), post question to that forum. 
I watch that newsgroup almost continuously during my working hours (that 
is aprox. 12:00-24:00 CET Mon-Fri).
                                                    Petr Vandrovec
                                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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