Hi Alexander, I am "hammering" an ext2 filesystem with all sorts (bonnies, make -j8 bzImage, cp -a dir1 dir2 + all these over localhost NFSv3) for a while and so far it survives. The system is 2way SMP with 1G RAM. However, I can't say that _without_ your patch the above did _not_ survive. The corruptions usually come from real useful work and not from articfical tests (unfortunately).... Regards, Tigran - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
- ext2 filesystem corruptions back from dead? 2.4.0-test11 Mohammad A. Haque
- Re: ext2 filesystem corruptions back from dead? 2.4... Neil Brown
- Re: ext2 filesystem corruptions back from dead?... Alexander Viro
- Re: ext2 filesystem corruptions back from d... Neil Brown
- Re: ext2 filesystem corruptions back fr... Neil Brown
- Re: ext2 filesystem corruptions ba... Alexander Viro
- Re: ext2 filesystem corruption... Alexander Viro
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Tigran Aivazian
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Mohammad A. Haque
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Neil Brown
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Alexander Viro
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Mohammad A. Haque
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Alexander Viro
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Neil Brown
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Mohammad A. Haque
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Mohammad A. Haque
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Ion Badulescu
- Re: ext2 filesystem corrup... Mohammad A. Haque