Hello Mike et al.

On neděle 30. července 2017 7:12:31 CEST Mike Galbraith wrote:
> FWIW, first thing I'd do is update that 4.12.0 to 4.12.4, and see if
> stable fixed it.

My build already includes v4.12.4.

> If not, I'd find these two commits irresistible.
> 5f042e7cbd9eb blk-mq: Include all present CPUs in the default queue mapping
> 4b855ad37194f blk-mq: Create hctx for each present CPU

I've applied these 2 commits, and cannot reproduce the issue anymore. Looks 
like a perfect hit, thanks!

> 'course applying random upstream bits does come with some risk, trying
> a kernel already containing them has less "entertainment" potential. 

Should you consider applying them to v4.12.x stable series? CC'ing Greg just 
in case.

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