New algorithm that takes advantage of the M7 block init store
ASI, ie, overlapping pipelines and miss buffer filling.
Full details in code comments.

Signed-off-by: Babu Moger <>
 arch/sparc/kernel/head_64.S       |   12 +-
 arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_from_user.S |   41 ++
 arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_to_user.S   |   51 ++
 arch/sparc/lib/M7memcpy.S         |  924 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/sparc/lib/M7memset.S         |  354 ++++++++++++++
 arch/sparc/lib/M7patch.S          |   55 +++
 arch/sparc/lib/Makefile           |    3 +
 7 files changed, 1439 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_from_user.S
 create mode 100644 arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_to_user.S
 create mode 100644 arch/sparc/lib/M7memcpy.S
 create mode 100644 arch/sparc/lib/M7memset.S
 create mode 100644 arch/sparc/lib/M7patch.S

diff --git a/arch/sparc/kernel/head_64.S b/arch/sparc/kernel/head_64.S
index 41a4073..a7de798 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/kernel/head_64.S
+++ b/arch/sparc/kernel/head_64.S
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ niagara_tlb_fixup:
        be,pt   %xcc, niagara4_patch
        cmp     %g1, SUN4V_CHIP_SPARC_M7
-       be,pt   %xcc, niagara4_patch
+       be,pt   %xcc, sparc_m7_patch
        cmp     %g1, SUN4V_CHIP_SPARC_SN
        be,pt   %xcc, niagara4_patch
@@ -615,6 +615,16 @@ niagara_tlb_fixup:
        ba,a,pt %xcc, 80f
+       call    m7_patch_copyops
+        nop
+       call    m7_patch_bzero
+        nop
+       call    m7_patch_pageops
+        nop
+       ba,a,pt %xcc, 80f
+        nop
        call    niagara4_patch_copyops
diff --git a/arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_from_user.S 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0689d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_from_user.S
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * M7copy_from_user.S: SPARC M7 optimized copy from userspace.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#define EX_LD(x)                       \
+98:    x;                              \
+       .section __ex_table,"a";        \
+       .align 4;                       \
+       .word 98b, __restore_asi;       \
+       .text;                          \
+       .align 4;
+#define EX_LD_FP(x)                    \
+98:    x;                              \
+       .section __ex_table,"a";        \
+       .align 4;                       \
+       .word 98b, __restore_asi_fp;    \
+       .text;                          \
+       .align 4;
+#ifndef ASI_AIUS
+#define ASI_AIUS       0x11
+#define FUNC_NAME              M7copy_from_user
+#define LOAD(type,addr,dest)   type##a [addr] %asi, dest
+#define EX_RETVAL(x)           0
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#define PREAMBLE                                       \
+       rd              %asi, %g1;                      \
+       cmp             %g1, ASI_AIUS;                  \
+       bne,pn          %icc, raw_copy_in_user;         \
+       nop
+#include "M7memcpy.S"
diff --git a/arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_to_user.S b/arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_to_user.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3be132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sparc/lib/M7copy_to_user.S
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * M7copy_to_user.S: SPARC M7 optimized copy to userspace.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#define EX_ST(x)                       \
+98:    x;                              \
+       .section __ex_table,"a";        \
+       .align 4;                       \
+       .word 98b, __restore_asi;       \
+       .text;                          \
+       .align 4;
+#define EX_ST_FP(x)                    \
+98:    x;                              \
+       .section __ex_table,"a";        \
+       .align 4;                       \
+       .word 98b, __restore_asi_fp;    \
+       .text;                          \
+       .align 4;
+#ifndef ASI_AIUS
+#define ASI_AIUS       0x11
+#define FUNC_NAME              M7copy_to_user
+#define STORE(type,src,addr)   type##a src, [addr] %asi
+#define STORE_ASI              ASI_BLK_INIT_QUAD_LDD_AIUS
+#define        STORE_MRU_ASI           ASI_ST_BLKINIT_MRU_S
+#define EX_RETVAL(x)           0
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+       /* Writing to %asi is _expensive_ so we hardcode it.
+        * Reading %asi to check for KERNEL_DS is comparatively
+        * cheap.
+        */
+#define PREAMBLE                                       \
+       rd              %asi, %g1;                      \
+       cmp             %g1, ASI_AIUS;                  \
+       bne,pn          %icc, raw_copy_in_user;         \
+       nop
+#include "M7memcpy.S"
diff --git a/arch/sparc/lib/M7memcpy.S b/arch/sparc/lib/M7memcpy.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d49f702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sparc/lib/M7memcpy.S
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+ * M7memcpy: Optimized SPARC M7 memcpy
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ */
+       .file   "M7memcpy.S"
+ * memcpy(s1, s2, len)
+ *
+ * Copy s2 to s1, always copy n bytes.
+ * Note: this C code does not work for overlapped copies.
+ *
+ * Fast assembler language version of the following C-program for memcpy
+ * which represents the `standard' for the C-library.
+ *
+ *     void *
+ *     memcpy(void *s, const void *s0, size_t n)
+ *     {
+ *             if (n != 0) {
+ *                 char *s1 = s;
+ *                 const char *s2 = s0;
+ *                 do {
+ *                     *s1++ = *s2++;
+ *                 } while (--n != 0);
+ *             }
+ *             return (s);
+ *     }
+ *
+ *
+ * SPARC T7/M7 Flow :
+ *
+ * if (count < SMALL_MAX) {
+ *   if count < SHORTCOPY              (SHORTCOPY=3)
+ *     copy bytes; exit with dst addr
+ *   if src & dst aligned on word boundary but not long word boundary,
+ *     copy with ldw/stw; branch to finish_up
+ *   if src & dst aligned on long word boundary
+ *     copy with ldx/stx; branch to finish_up
+ *   if src & dst not aligned and length <= SHORTCHECK   (SHORTCHECK=14)
+ *     copy bytes; exit with dst addr
+ *   move enough bytes to get src to word boundary
+ *   if dst now on word boundary
+ * move_words:
+ *     copy words; branch to finish_up
+ *   if dst now on half word boundary
+ *     load words, shift half words, store words; branch to finish_up
+ *   if dst on byte 1
+ *     load words, shift 3 bytes, store words; branch to finish_up
+ *   if dst on byte 3
+ *     load words, shift 1 byte, store words; branch to finish_up
+ * finish_up:
+ *     copy bytes; exit with dst addr
+ * } else {                                         More than SMALL_MAX bytes
+ *   move bytes until dst is on long word boundary
+ *   if( src is on long word boundary ) {
+ *     if (count < MED_MAX) {
+ * finish_long:                                           src/dst aligned on 8 
+ *       copy with ldx/stx in 8-way unrolled loop;
+ *       copy final 0-63 bytes; exit with dst addr
+ *     } else {                                     src/dst aligned; count > 
+ *       align dst on 64 byte boundary; for main data movement:
+ *       prefetch src data to L2 cache; let HW prefetch move data to L1 cache
+ *       Use BIS (block initializing store) to avoid copying store cache
+ *       lines from memory. But pre-store first element of each cache line
+ *       ST_CHUNK lines in advance of the rest of that cache line. That
+ *       gives time for replacement cache lines to be written back without
+ *       excess STQ and Miss Buffer filling. Repeat until near the end,
+ *       then finish up storing before going to finish_long.
+ *     }
+ *   } else {                                   src/dst not aligned on 8 bytes
+ *     if src is word aligned and count < MED_WMAX
+ *       move words in 8-way unrolled loop
+ *       move final 0-31 bytes; exit with dst addr
+ *     if count < MED_UMAX
+ *       use alignaddr/faligndata combined with ldd/std in 8-way
+ *       unrolled loop to move data.
+ *       go to unalign_done
+ *     else
+ *       setup alignaddr for faligndata instructions
+ *       align dst on 64 byte boundary; prefetch src data to L1 cache
+ *       loadx8, falign, block-store, prefetch loop
+ *      (only use block-init-store when src/dst on 8 byte boundaries.)
+ * unalign_done:
+ *       move remaining bytes for unaligned cases. exit with dst addr.
+ * }
+ *
+ */
+#include <asm/visasm.h>
+#include <asm/asi.h>
+#if !defined(EX_LD) && !defined(EX_ST)
+#define NON_USER_COPY
+#ifndef EX_LD
+#define EX_LD(x)       x
+#ifndef EX_LD_FP
+#define EX_LD_FP(x)    x
+#ifndef EX_ST
+#define EX_ST(x)       x
+#ifndef EX_ST_FP
+#define EX_ST_FP(x)    x
+#ifndef EX_RETVAL
+#define EX_RETVAL(x)    x
+#ifndef LOAD
+#define LOAD(type,addr,dest)   type [addr], dest
+#ifndef STORE
+#define STORE(type,src,addr)   type src, [addr]
+ * line as "least recently used" which means if many threads are
+ * active, it has a high probability of being pushed out of the cache
+ * between the first initializing store and the final stores.
+ * marks the cache line as "most recently used" for all
+ * but the last cache line
+ */
+#ifndef STORE_ASI
+#define STORE_ASI      0x80            /* ASI_P */
+#ifndef STORE_MRU_ASI
+#define STORE_MRU_ASI  0x80            /* ASI_P */
+#ifndef STORE_INIT
+#define STORE_INIT(src,addr)   stxa src, [addr] STORE_ASI
+#define STORE_INIT_MRU(src,addr)       stxa src, [addr] STORE_MRU_ASI
+#ifndef FUNC_NAME
+#define FUNC_NAME      M7memcpy
+#ifndef PREAMBLE
+#define PREAMBLE
+#define        BLOCK_SIZE      64
+#define        SHORTCOPY       3
+#define        SHORTCHECK      14
+#define        SHORT_LONG      64      /* max copy for short longword-aligned 
case */
+                               /* must be at least 64 */
+#define        SMALL_MAX       128
+#define        MED_UMAX        1024    /* max copy for medium un-aligned case 
+#define        MED_WMAX        1024    /* max copy for medium word-aligned 
case */
+#define        MED_MAX         1024    /* max copy for medium longword-aligned 
case */
+#define ST_CHUNK       24      /* ST_CHUNK - block of values for BIS Store */
+#define ALIGN_PRE      24      /* distance for aligned prefetch loop */
+        .register      %g2,#scratch
+       .section        ".text"
+       .global FUNC_NAME
+       .type   FUNC_NAME, #function
+       .align  16
+       srlx            %o2, 31, %g2
+       cmp             %g2, 0
+       tne             %xcc, 5
+       PREAMBLE
+       mov             %o0, %g1        ! save %o0
+       brz,pn          %o2, .Lsmallx
+       cmp            %o2, 3
+        ble,pn          %icc, .Ltiny_cp
+         cmp            %o2, 19
+        ble,pn          %icc, .Lsmall_cp
+         or             %o0, %o1, %g2
+        cmp             %o2, SMALL_MAX
+        bl,pn           %icc, .Lmedium_cp
+         nop
+       neg     %o0, %o5
+       andcc   %o5, 7, %o5             ! bytes till DST 8 byte aligned
+       brz,pt  %o5, .Ldst_aligned_on_8
+       ! %o5 has the bytes to be written in partial store.
+        sub    %o2, %o5, %o2
+       sub     %o1, %o0, %o1           ! %o1 gets the difference
+7:                                     ! dst aligning loop
+       add     %o1, %o0, %o4
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o4, %o4))     ! load one byte
+       subcc   %o5, 1, %o5
+       EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o4, %o0))
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, 7b
+        add    %o0, 1, %o0             ! advance dst
+       add     %o1, %o0, %o1           ! restore %o1
+       andcc   %o1, 7, %o5
+       brnz,pt %o5, .Lsrc_dst_unaligned_on_8
+        nop
+       ! check if we are copying MED_MAX or more bytes
+        set MED_MAX, %o3
+        cmp %o2, %o3                   ! limit to store buffer size
+       bgu,pn  %ncc, .Llarge_align8_copy
+        nop
+ * Special case for handling when src and dest are both long word aligned
+ * and total data to move is less than MED_MAX bytes
+ */
+       subcc   %o2, 63, %o2            ! adjust length to allow cc test
+       ble,pn  %ncc, .Lmedl63          ! skip big loop if less than 64 bytes
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))      ! load
+       subcc   %o2, 64, %o2            ! decrement length count
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0))     ! and store
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+8, %o3))    ! a block of 64 bytes
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0+8))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+16, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+16))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+24, %o3))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0+24))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+32, %o4))   ! load
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+32))  ! and store
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+40, %o3))   ! a block of 64 bytes
+       add     %o1, 64, %o1            ! increase src ptr by 64
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0+40))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-16, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 64, %o0            ! increase dst ptr by 64
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0-16))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-8, %o3))
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, .Lmedl64          ! repeat if at least 64 bytes left
+        EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0-8))
+       addcc   %o2, 32, %o2            ! adjust remaining count
+       ble,pt  %ncc, .Lmedl31          ! to skip if 31 or fewer bytes left
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))      ! load
+       sub     %o2, 32, %o2            ! decrement length count
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0))     ! and store
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+8, %o3))    ! a block of 32 bytes
+       add     %o1, 32, %o1            ! increase src ptr by 32
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0+8))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-16, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 32, %o0            ! increase dst ptr by 32
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0-16))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-8, %o3))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0-8))
+       addcc   %o2, 16, %o2            ! adjust remaining count
+       ble,pt  %ncc, .Lmedl15          ! skip if 15 or fewer bytes left
+        nop                            !
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))
+       add     %o1, 16, %o1            ! increase src ptr by 16
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0))
+       sub     %o2, 16, %o2            ! decrease count by 16
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-8, %o3))
+       add     %o0, 16, %o0            ! increase dst ptr by 16
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0-8))
+       addcc   %o2, 15, %o2            ! restore count
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx  ! exit if finished
+        cmp    %o2, 8
+       blt,pt  %ncc, .Lmedw7           ! skip if 7 or fewer bytes left
+        tst    %o2
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))      ! load 8 bytes
+       add     %o1, 8, %o1             ! increase src ptr by 8
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0             ! increase dst ptr by 8
+       subcc   %o2, 8, %o2             ! decrease count by 8
+       bnz,pn  %ncc, .Lmedw7
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0-8))   ! and store 8 bytes
+       retl
+        mov    EX_RETVAL(%g1), %o0     ! restore %o0
+       .align 16
+       ! DST is 8-byte aligned, src is not
+       andcc   %o1, 0x3, %o5           ! test word alignment
+       bnz,pt  %ncc, .Lunalignsetup    ! branch to skip if not word aligned
+        nop
+ * Handle all cases where src and dest are aligned on word
+ * boundaries. Use unrolled loops for better performance.
+ * This option wins over standard large data move when
+ * source and destination is in cache for.Lmedium
+ * to short data moves.
+ */
+        set MED_WMAX, %o3
+        cmp %o2, %o3                   ! limit to store buffer size
+       bge,pt  %ncc, .Lunalignrejoin   ! otherwise rejoin main loop
+        nop
+       subcc   %o2, 31, %o2            ! adjust length to allow cc test
+                                       ! for end of loop
+       ble,pt  %ncc, .Lmedw31          ! skip big loop if less than 16
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1, %o4))       ! move a block of 32 bytes
+       sllx    %o4, 32, %o5
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1+4, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0))
+       subcc   %o2, 32, %o2            ! decrement length count
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1+8, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4, 32, %o5
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1+12, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0+8))
+       add     %o1, 32, %o1            ! increase src ptr by 32
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1-16, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4, 32, %o5
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1-12, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0+16))
+       add     %o0, 32, %o0            ! increase dst ptr by 32
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1-8, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4, 32, %o5
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1-4, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, .Lmedw32          ! repeat if at least 32 bytes left
+        EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0-8))
+       addcc   %o2, 31, %o2            ! restore count
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx  ! exit if finished
+        nop
+       cmp     %o2, 16
+       blt,pt  %ncc, .Lmedw15
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1, %o4))       ! move a block of 16 bytes
+       sllx    %o4, 32, %o5
+       subcc   %o2, 16, %o2            ! decrement length count
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1+4, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0))
+       add     %o1, 16, %o1            ! increase src ptr by 16
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1-8, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 16, %o0            ! increase dst ptr by 16
+       sllx    %o4, 32, %o5
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1-4, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0-8))
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx  ! exit if finished
+        cmp    %o2, 8
+       blt,pn  %ncc, .Lmedw7           ! skip if 7 or fewer bytes left
+        tst    %o2
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1, %o4))       ! load 4 bytes
+       subcc   %o2, 8, %o2             ! decrease count by 8
+       EX_ST(STORE(stw, %o4, %o0))     ! and store 4 bytes
+       add     %o1, 8, %o1             ! increase src ptr by 8
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1-4, %o3))     ! load 4 bytes
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0             ! increase dst ptr by 8
+       EX_ST(STORE(stw, %o3, %o0-4))   ! and store 4 bytes
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx  ! exit if finished
+.Lmedw7:                               ! count is ge 1, less than 8
+       cmp     %o2, 4                  ! check for 4 bytes left
+       blt,pn  %ncc, .Lsmallleft3      ! skip if 3 or fewer bytes left
+        nop                            !
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ld, %o1, %o4))       ! load 4 bytes
+       add     %o1, 4, %o1             ! increase src ptr by 4
+       add     %o0, 4, %o0             ! increase dst ptr by 4
+       subcc   %o2, 4, %o2             ! decrease count by 4
+       bnz     .Lsmallleft3
+        EX_ST(STORE(stw, %o4, %o0-4))! and store 4 bytes
+       retl
+        mov    EX_RETVAL(%g1), %o0
+       .align 16
+.Llarge_align8_copy:                   ! Src and dst share 8 byte alignment
+       ! align dst to 64 byte boundary
+       andcc   %o0, 0x3f, %o3          ! %o3 == 0 means dst is 64 byte aligned
+       brz,pn  %o3, .Laligned_to_64
+        andcc  %o0, 8, %o3             ! odd long words to move?
+       brz,pt  %o3, .Laligned_to_16
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))
+       sub     %o2, 8, %o2
+       add     %o1, 8, %o1             ! increment src ptr
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0             ! increment dst ptr
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0-8))
+       andcc   %o0, 16, %o3            ! pair of long words to move?
+       brz,pt  %o3, .Laligned_to_32
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))
+       sub     %o2, 16, %o2
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0))
+       add     %o1, 16, %o1            ! increment src ptr
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-8, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 16, %o0            ! increment dst ptr
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0-8))
+       andcc   %o0, 32, %o3            ! four long words to move?
+       brz,pt  %o3, .Laligned_to_64
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))
+       sub     %o2, 32, %o2
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+8, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+16, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+16))
+       add     %o1, 32, %o1            ! increment src ptr
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-8, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 32, %o0            ! increment dst ptr
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0-8))
+!      Using block init store (BIS) instructions to avoid fetching cache
+!      lines from memory. Use ST_CHUNK stores to first element of each cache
+!      line (similar to prefetching) to avoid overfilling STQ or miss buffers.
+!      Gives existing cache lines time to be moved out of L1/L2/L3 cache.
+!      Initial stores using MRU version of BIS to keep cache line in
+!      cache until we are ready to store final element of cache line.
+!      Then store last element using the LRU version of BIS.
+       andn    %o2, 0x3f, %o5          ! %o5 is multiple of block size
+       and     %o2, 0x3f, %o2          ! residue bytes in %o2
+!      We use STORE_MRU_ASI for the first seven stores to each cache line
+!      followed by STORE_ASI (mark as LRU) for the last store. That
+!      mixed approach reduces the probability that the cache line is removed
+!      before we finish setting it, while minimizing the effects on
+!      other cached values during a large memcpy
+!      ST_CHUNK batches up initial BIS operations for several cache lines
+!      to allow multiple requests to not be blocked by overflowing the
+!      the store miss buffer. Then the matching stores for all those
+!      BIS operations are executed.
+       sub     %o0, 8, %o0             ! adjust %o0 for ASI alignment
+       cmp     %o5, ST_CHUNK*64
+       blu,pt  %ncc, .Lalign_loop_fin
+        mov    ST_CHUNK,%o3
+       prefetch [%o1 + (ALIGN_PRE * BLOCK_SIZE)], 21
+       subcc   %o3, 1, %o3
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))
+       add     %o1, 64, %o1
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0
+       EX_ST(STORE_INIT_MRU(%o4, %o0))
+       bgu     %ncc,.Lalign_loop_start
+        add    %o0, 56, %o0
+       mov     ST_CHUNK,%o3
+       sllx    %o3, 6, %o4             ! ST_CHUNK*64
+       sub     %o1, %o4, %o1           ! reset %o1
+       sub     %o0, %o4, %o0           ! reset %o0
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+8, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 16, %o0
+       EX_ST(STORE_INIT_MRU(%o4, %o0))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+16, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0
+       EX_ST(STORE_INIT_MRU(%o4, %o0))
+       subcc   %o3, 1, %o3
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+24, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0
+       EX_ST(STORE_INIT_MRU(%o4, %o0))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+32, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0
+       EX_ST(STORE_INIT_MRU(%o4, %o0))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+40, %o4))
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0
+       EX_ST(STORE_INIT_MRU(%o4, %o0))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+48, %o4))
+       add     %o1, 64, %o1
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0
+       EX_ST(STORE_INIT_MRU(%o4, %o0))
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-8, %o4))
+       sub     %o5, 64, %o5
+       bgu     %ncc,.Lalign_loop_rest
+       ! mark cache line as LRU
+        EX_ST(STORE_INIT(%o4, %o0))
+       cmp     %o5, ST_CHUNK*64
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, .Lalign_loop_start
+        mov    ST_CHUNK,%o3
+       cmp     %o5, 0
+       beq     .Lalign_done
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+8, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8+8))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+16, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8+16))
+       subcc   %o5, 64, %o5
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+24, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8+24))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+32, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8+32))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+40, %o4))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8+40))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1+48, %o4))
+       add     %o1, 64, %o1
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0+8+48))
+       add     %o0, 64, %o0
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1-8, %o4))
+       bgu     %ncc,.Lalign_loop_fin
+        EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0))
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0             ! restore %o0 from ASI alignment
+       membar  #StoreStore
+       sub     %o2, 63, %o2            ! adjust length to allow cc test
+       ba      .Lmedl63                ! in .Lmedl63
+        nop
+       .align 16
+       ! Dst is on 8 byte boundary; src is not; remaining count > SMALL_MAX
+       mov     %g1, %o3        ! save %g1 as VISEntryHalf clobbers it
+       VISEntryHalfFast(.Lmedium_vis_entry_fail_cp)
+       VISEntryHalf
+       mov     %o3, %g1        ! restore %g1
+       set MED_UMAX, %o3
+       cmp %o2, %o3            ! check for.Lmedium unaligned limit
+       bge,pt  %ncc,.Lunalign_large
+        prefetch [%o1 + (4 * BLOCK_SIZE)], 20
+       andn    %o2, 0x3f, %o5          ! %o5 is multiple of block size
+       and     %o2, 0x3f, %o2          ! residue bytes in %o2
+       cmp     %o2, 8                  ! Insure we do not load beyond
+       bgt     .Lunalign_adjust        ! end of source buffer
+        andn   %o1, 0x7, %o4           ! %o4 has long word aligned src address
+       add     %o2, 64, %o2            ! adjust to leave loop
+       sub     %o5, 64, %o5            ! early if necessary
+       alignaddr %o1, %g0, %g0         ! generate %gsr
+       add     %o1, %o5, %o1           ! advance %o1 to after blocks
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4, %f0))
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+8, %f2))
+       faligndata %f0, %f2, %f16
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+16, %f4))
+       subcc   %o5, BLOCK_SIZE, %o5
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f16, %o0))
+       faligndata %f2, %f4, %f18
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+24, %f6))
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f18, %o0+8))
+       faligndata %f4, %f6, %f20
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+32, %f8))
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f20, %o0+16))
+       faligndata %f6, %f8, %f22
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+40, %f10))
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f22, %o0+24))
+       faligndata %f8, %f10, %f24
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+48, %f12))
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f24, %o0+32))
+       faligndata %f10, %f12, %f26
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+56, %f14))
+       add     %o4, BLOCK_SIZE, %o4
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f26, %o0+40))
+       faligndata %f12, %f14, %f28
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4, %f0))
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f28, %o0+48))
+       faligndata %f14, %f0, %f30
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f30, %o0+56))
+       add     %o0, BLOCK_SIZE, %o0
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, .Lunalign_loop
+        prefetch [%o4 + (5 * BLOCK_SIZE)], 20
+       ba      .Lunalign_done
+        nop
+       andcc   %o0, 0x3f, %o3          ! is dst 64-byte block aligned?
+       bz      %ncc, .Lunalignsrc
+        sub    %o3, 64, %o3            ! %o3 will be multiple of 8
+       neg     %o3                     ! bytes until dest is 64 byte aligned
+       sub     %o2, %o3, %o2           ! update cnt with bytes to be moved
+       ! Move bytes according to source alignment
+       andcc   %o1, 0x1, %o5
+       bnz     %ncc, .Lunalignbyte     ! check for byte alignment
+        nop
+       andcc   %o1, 2, %o5             ! check for half word alignment
+       bnz     %ncc, .Lunalignhalf
+        nop
+       ! Src is word aligned
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ld, %o1, %o4))    ! load 4 bytes
+       add     %o1, 8, %o1             ! increase src ptr by 8
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(stw, %o4, %o0))  ! and store 4 bytes
+       subcc   %o3, 8, %o3             ! decrease count by 8
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ld, %o1-4, %o4))  ! load 4 bytes
+       add     %o0, 8, %o0             ! increase dst ptr by 8
+       bnz     %ncc, .Lunalignword
+        EX_ST_FP(STORE(stw, %o4, %o0-4))! and store 4 bytes
+       ba      .Lunalignsrc
+        nop
+       ! Src is half-word aligned
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(lduh, %o1, %o4))  ! load 2 bytes
+       sllx    %o4, 32, %o5            ! shift left
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(lduw, %o1+2, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       sllx    %o5, 16, %o5
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(lduh, %o1+6, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0))
+       add     %o1, 8, %o1
+       subcc   %o3, 8, %o3
+       bnz     %ncc, .Lunalignhalf
+        add    %o0, 8, %o0
+       ba      .Lunalignsrc
+        nop
+       ! Src is Byte aligned
+       sub     %o0, %o1, %o0           ! share pointer advance
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldub, %o1, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4, 56, %o5
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(lduh, %o1+1, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4, 40, %o4
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(lduh, %o1+3, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4, 24, %o4
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(lduh, %o1+5, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4,  8, %o4
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldub, %o1+7, %o4))
+       or      %o4, %o5, %o5
+       add     %o0, %o1, %o0
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(stx, %o5, %o0))
+       sub     %o0, %o1, %o0
+       subcc   %o3, 8, %o3
+       bnz     %ncc, .Lunalignbyte_loop
+        add    %o1, 8, %o1
+       add     %o0,%o1, %o0            ! restore pointer
+       ! Destination is now block (64 byte aligned)
+       andn    %o2, 0x3f, %o5          ! %o5 is multiple of block size
+       and     %o2, 0x3f, %o2          ! residue bytes in %o2
+       add     %o2, 64, %o2            ! Insure we do not load beyond
+       sub     %o5, 64, %o5            ! end of source buffer
+       andn    %o1, 0x7, %o4           ! %o4 has long word aligned src address
+       alignaddr %o1, %g0, %g0         ! generate %gsr
+       add     %o1, %o5, %o1           ! advance %o1 to after blocks
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4, %f14))
+       add     %o4, 8, %o4
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4, %f16))
+       faligndata %f14, %f16, %f0
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+8, %f18))
+       faligndata %f16, %f18, %f2
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+16, %f20))
+       faligndata %f18, %f20, %f4
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f0, %o0))
+       subcc   %o5, 64, %o5
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+24, %f22))
+       faligndata %f20, %f22, %f6
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f2, %o0+8))
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+32, %f24))
+       faligndata %f22, %f24, %f8
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f4, %o0+16))
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+40, %f26))
+       faligndata %f24, %f26, %f10
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f6, %o0+24))
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+48, %f28))
+       faligndata %f26, %f28, %f12
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f8, %o0+32))
+       add     %o4, 64, %o4
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4-8, %f30))
+       faligndata %f28, %f30, %f14
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f10, %o0+40))
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f12, %o0+48))
+       add     %o0, 64, %o0
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f14, %o0-8))
+       fsrc2   %f30, %f14
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, .Lunalign_sloop
+        prefetch [%o4 + (8 * BLOCK_SIZE)], 20
+       ! Handle trailing bytes, 64 to 127
+       ! Dest long word aligned, Src not long word aligned
+       cmp     %o2, 15
+       bleu    %ncc, .Lunalign_short
+        andn   %o2, 0x7, %o5           ! %o5 is multiple of 8
+       and     %o2, 0x7, %o2           ! residue bytes in %o2
+       add     %o2, 8, %o2
+       sub     %o5, 8, %o5             ! insure we do not load past end of src
+       andn    %o1, 0x7, %o4           ! %o4 has long word aligned src address
+       add     %o1, %o5, %o1           ! advance %o1 to after multiple of 8
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4, %f0))   ! fetch partial word
+       EX_LD_FP(LOAD(ldd, %o4+8, %f2))
+       add     %o4, 8, %o4
+       faligndata %f0, %f2, %f16
+       subcc   %o5, 8, %o5
+       EX_ST_FP(STORE(std, %f16, %o0))
+       fsrc2   %f2, %f0
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, .Lunalign_by8
+        add    %o0, 8, %o0
+       VISExitHalfFast
+       VISExitHalf
+       ba      .Lsmallrest
+        nop
+ * This is a special case of nested memcpy. This can happen when kernel
+ * calls unaligned memcpy back to back without saving FP registers. We need
+ * traps(context switch) to save/restore FP registers. If the kernel calls
+ * memcpy without this trap sequence we will hit FP corruption. Let's use
+ * the normal integer load/store method in this case.
+ */
+       or      %o0, %o1, %g2
+       LOAD(prefetch, %o1 + 0x40, #n_reads_strong)
+       andcc   %g2, 0x7, %g0
+       bne,pn  %ncc, .Lmedium_unaligned_cp
+        nop
+       andncc  %o2, 0x20 - 1, %o5
+       be,pn   %ncc, 2f
+        sub    %o2, %o5, %o2
+1:     EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1 + 0x00, %o3))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1 + 0x08, %g2))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1 + 0x10, %g7))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1 + 0x18, %o4))
+       add     %o1, 0x20, %o1
+       subcc   %o5, 0x20, %o5
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0 + 0x00))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %g2, %o0 + 0x08))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %g7, %o0 + 0x10))
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o4, %o0 + 0x18))
+       bne,pt  %ncc, 1b
+        add    %o0, 0x20, %o0
+2:     andcc   %o2, 0x18, %o5
+       be,pt   %ncc, 3f
+        sub    %o2, %o5, %o2
+1:     EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1 + 0x00, %o3))
+       add     %o1, 0x08, %o1
+       add     %o0, 0x08, %o0
+       subcc   %o5, 0x08, %o5
+       bne,pt  %ncc, 1b
+        EX_ST(STORE(stx, %o3, %o0 - 0x08))
+3:     brz,pt  %o2, .Lexit_cp
+        cmp    %o2, 0x04
+       bl,pn   %ncc, .Ltiny_cp
+        nop
+       EX_LD(LOAD(lduw, %o1 + 0x00, %o3))
+       add     %o1, 0x04, %o1
+       add     %o0, 0x04, %o0
+       subcc   %o2, 0x04, %o2
+       bne,pn  %ncc, .Ltiny_cp
+        EX_ST(STORE(stw, %o3, %o0 - 0x04))
+       ba,a,pt %ncc, .Lexit_cp
+       /* First get dest 8 byte aligned.  */
+       sub     %g0, %o0, %o3
+       and     %o3, 0x7, %o3
+       brz,pt  %o3, 2f
+        sub    %o2, %o3, %o2
+1:     EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1 + 0x00, %g2))
+       add     %o1, 1, %o1
+       subcc   %o3, 1, %o3
+       add     %o0, 1, %o0
+       bne,pt  %ncc, 1b
+        EX_ST(STORE(stb, %g2, %o0 - 0x01))
+       and     %o1, 0x7, %o3
+       brz,pn  %o3, .Lmedium_noprefetch_cp
+        sll    %o3, 3, %o3
+       mov     64, %g2
+       sub     %g2, %o3, %g2
+       andn    %o1, 0x7, %o1
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1 + 0x00, %o4))
+       sllx    %o4, %o3, %o4
+       andn    %o2, 0x08 - 1, %o5
+       sub     %o2, %o5, %o2
+1:     EX_LD(LOAD(ldx, %o1 + 0x08, %g3))
+       add     %o1, 0x08, %o1
+       subcc   %o5, 0x08, %o5
+       srlx    %g3, %g2, %g7
+       or      %g7, %o4, %g7
+       EX_ST(STORE(stx, %g7, %o0 + 0x00))
+       add     %o0, 0x08, %o0
+       bne,pt  %ncc, 1b
+        sllx   %g3, %o3, %o4
+       srl     %o3, 3, %o3
+       add     %o1, %o3, %o1
+       brz,pn  %o2, .Lexit_cp
+        nop
+       ba,pt   %ncc, .Lsmall_unaligned_cp
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1 + 0x00, %o3))
+       subcc   %o2, 1, %o2
+       be,pn   %ncc, .Lexit_cp
+        EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0 + 0x00))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1 + 0x01, %o3))
+       subcc   %o2, 1, %o2
+       be,pn   %ncc, .Lexit_cp
+        EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0 + 0x01))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1 + 0x02, %o3))
+       ba,pt   %ncc, .Lexit_cp
+        EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0 + 0x02))
+       andcc   %g2, 0x3, %g0
+       bne,pn  %ncc, .Lsmall_unaligned_cp
+        andn   %o2, 0x4 - 1, %o5
+       sub     %o2, %o5, %o2
+       EX_LD(LOAD(lduw, %o1 + 0x00, %o3))
+       add     %o1, 0x04, %o1
+       subcc   %o5, 0x04, %o5
+       add     %o0, 0x04, %o0
+       bne,pt  %ncc, 1b
+        EX_ST(STORE(stw, %o3, %o0 - 0x04))
+       brz,pt  %o2, .Lexit_cp
+        nop
+       ba,a,pt %ncc, .Ltiny_cp
+1:     EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1 + 0x00, %o3))
+       add     %o1, 1, %o1
+       add     %o0, 1, %o0
+       subcc   %o2, 1, %o2
+       bne,pt  %ncc, 1b
+        EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0 - 0x01))
+       ba,a,pt %ncc, .Lexit_cp
+       tst     %o2
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx
+        cmp    %o2, 4
+       blt,pn  %ncc, .Lsmallleft3
+        nop
+       sub     %o2, 3, %o2
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1, %o3))! read byte
+       subcc   %o2, 4, %o2             ! reduce count by 4
+       EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0))     ! write byte
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1+1, %o3))! repeat for total of 4 bytes
+       add     %o1, 4, %o1             ! advance SRC by 4
+       EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0+1))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1-2, %o3))
+       add     %o0, 4, %o0             ! advance DST by 4
+       EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0-2))
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1-1, %o3))
+       bgu,pt  %ncc, .Lsmallnotalign4  ! loop til 3 or fewer bytes remain
+       EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0-1))
+       addcc   %o2, 3, %o2             ! restore count
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx
+.Lsmallleft3:                          ! 1, 2, or 3 bytes remain
+       subcc   %o2, 1, %o2
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1, %o3))     ! load one byte
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx
+        EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0))    ! store one byte
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1+1, %o3))   ! load second byte
+       subcc   %o2, 1, %o2
+       bz,pt   %ncc, .Lsmallx
+        EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0+1))! store second byte
+       EX_LD(LOAD(ldub, %o1+2, %o3))   ! load third byte
+       EX_ST(STORE(stb, %o3, %o0+2))   ! store third byte
+       retl
+        mov    EX_RETVAL(%g1), %o0
+       tst     %o2
+       bnz,pn  %ncc, .Lsmallleft3
+        nop
+       retl
+        mov    EX_RETVAL(%g1), %o0     ! restore %o0
+       retl
+        mov    EX_RETVAL(%g1), %o0
+       .size  FUNC_NAME, .-FUNC_NAME
diff --git a/arch/sparc/lib/M7memset.S b/arch/sparc/lib/M7memset.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a144e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sparc/lib/M7memset.S
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ * M7memset.S: SPARC M7 optimized memset.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * M7memset.S: M7 optimized memset.
+ *
+ * char *memset(sp, c, n)
+ *
+ * Set an array of n chars starting at sp to the character c.
+ * Return sp.
+ *
+ * Fast assembler language version of the following C-program for memset
+ * which represents the `standard' for the C-library.
+ *
+ *     void *
+ *     memset(void *sp1, int c, size_t n)
+ *     {
+ *         if (n != 0) {
+ *             char *sp = sp1;
+ *             do {
+ *                 *sp++ = (char)c;
+ *             } while (--n != 0);
+ *         }
+ *         return (sp1);
+ *     }
+ *
+ * The algorithm is as follows :
+ *
+ *     For small 6 or fewer bytes stores, bytes will be stored.
+ *
+ *     For less than 32 bytes stores, align the address on 4 byte boundary.
+ *     Then store as many 4-byte chunks, followed by trailing bytes.
+ *
+ *     For sizes greater than 32 bytes, align the address on 8 byte boundary.
+ *     if (count >= 64) {
+ *             store 8-bytes chunks to align the address on 64 byte boundary
+ *             if (value to be set is zero && count >= MIN_ZERO) {
+ *                     Using BIS stores, set the first long word of each
+ *                     64-byte cache line to zero which will also clear the
+ *                     other seven long words of the cache line.
+ *             }
+ *             else if (count >= MIN_LOOP) {
+ *                     Using BIS stores, set the first long word of each of
+ *                     ST_CHUNK cache lines (64 bytes each) before the main
+ *                     loop is entered.
+ *                     In the main loop, continue pre-setting the first long
+ *                     word of each cache line ST_CHUNK lines in advance while
+ *                     setting the other seven long words (56 bytes) of each
+ *                     cache line until fewer than ST_CHUNK*64 bytes remain.
+ *                     Then set the remaining seven long words of each cache
+ *                     line that has already had its first long word set.
+ *             }
+ *             store remaining data in 64-byte chunks until less than
+ *             64 bytes remain.
+ *       }
+ *       Store as many 8-byte chunks, followed by trailing bytes.
+ *
+ * BIS = Block Init Store
+ *   Doing the advance store of the first element of the cache line
+ *   initiates the displacement of a cache line while only using a single
+ *   instruction in the pipeline. That avoids various pipeline delays,
+ *   such as filling the miss buffer. The performance effect is
+ *   similar to prefetching for normal stores.
+ *   The special case for zero fills runs faster and uses fewer instruction
+ *   cycles than the normal memset loop.
+ *
+ * We only use BIS for memset of greater than MIN_LOOP bytes because a sequence
+ * BIS stores must be followed by a membar #StoreStore. The benefit of
+ * the BIS store must be balanced against the cost of the membar operation.
+ */
+ * ASI_STBI_P marks the cache line as "least recently used"
+ * which means if many threads are active, it has a high chance
+ * of being pushed out of the cache between the first initializing
+ * store and the final stores.
+ * Thus, we use ASI_STBIMRU_P which marks the cache line as
+ * "most recently used" for all but the last store to the cache line.
+ */
+#include <asm/asi.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#define ST_CHUNK        24   /* multiple of 4 due to loop unrolling */
+#define MIN_LOOP        16320
+#define MIN_ZERO        512
+       .section        ".text"
+       .align          32
+ * Define clear_page(dest) as memset(dest, 0, PAGE_SIZE)
+ * (can create a more optimized version later.)
+ */
+       .globl          M7clear_page
+       .globl          M7clear_user_page
+M7clear_page:          /* clear_page(dest) */
+       set     PAGE_SIZE, %o1
+       /* fall through into bzero code */
+       .size           M7clear_page,.-M7clear_page
+       .size           M7clear_user_page,.-M7clear_user_page
+ * Define bzero(dest, n) as memset(dest, 0, n)
+ * (can create a more optimized version later.)
+ */
+       .globl          M7bzero
+M7bzero:               /* bzero(dest, size) */
+       mov %o1, %o2
+       mov 0, %o1
+       /* fall through into memset code */
+       .size           M7bzero,.-M7bzero
+        .global M7memset
+        .type   M7memset, #function
+        .register %g3, #scratch
+         mov     %o0, %o5                ! copy sp1 before using it
+        cmp     %o2, 7                  ! if small counts, just write bytes
+        bleu,pn %ncc, .wrchar
+         and     %o1, 0xff, %o1          ! o1 is (char)c
+        sll     %o1, 8, %o3
+        or      %o1, %o3, %o1           ! now o1 has 2 bytes of c
+        sll     %o1, 16, %o3
+        cmp     %o2, 32
+        blu,pn  %ncc, .wdalign
+         or      %o1, %o3, %o1           ! now o1 has 4 bytes of c
+        sllx    %o1, 32, %o3
+        or      %o1, %o3, %o1           ! now o1 has 8 bytes of c
+        andcc   %o5, 7, %o3             ! is sp1 aligned on a 8 byte bound?
+        bz,pt   %ncc, .blkalign         ! already long word aligned
+         sub     %o3, 8, %o3             ! -(bytes till long word aligned)
+        add     %o2, %o3, %o2           ! update o2 with new count
+        ! Set -(%o3) bytes till sp1 long word aligned
+1:      stb     %o1, [%o5]              ! there is at least 1 byte to set
+       inccc   %o3                     ! byte clearing loop
+        bl,pt   %ncc, 1b
+        inc     %o5
+        ! Now sp1 is long word aligned (sp1 is found in %o5)
+        cmp     %o2, 64                 ! check if there are 64 bytes to set
+        blu,pn  %ncc, .wrshort
+         mov     %o2, %o3
+        andcc   %o5, 63, %o3            ! is sp1 block aligned?
+        bz,pt   %ncc, .blkwr            ! now block aligned
+         sub     %o3, 64, %o3            ! o3 is -(bytes till block aligned)
+        add     %o2, %o3, %o2           ! o2 is the remainder
+        ! Store -(%o3) bytes till dst is block (64 byte) aligned.
+        ! Use long word stores.
+        ! Recall that dst is already long word aligned
+        addcc   %o3, 8, %o3
+        stx     %o1, [%o5]
+        bl,pt   %ncc, 1b
+         add     %o5, 8, %o5
+        ! Now sp1 is block aligned
+        andn    %o2, 63, %o4            ! calculate size of blocks in bytes
+        brz,pn  %o1, .wrzero            ! special case if c == 0
+         and     %o2, 63, %o3            ! %o3 = bytes left after blk stores.
+        set     MIN_LOOP, %g1
+        cmp     %o4, %g1                ! check there are enough bytes to set
+       blu,pn  %ncc, .short_set        ! to justify cost of membar
+                                        ! must be > pre-cleared lines
+         nop
+        ! initial cache-clearing stores
+        ! get store pipeline moving
+       rd      %asi, %g3               ! save %asi to be restored later
+        wr     %g0, ASI_STBIMRU_P, %asi
+!       Primary memset loop for large memsets
+        sub     %o5, 8, %o5            ! adjust %o5 for ASI store alignment
+        mov     ST_CHUNK, %g1
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+8]%asi
+        subcc   %g1, 4, %g1
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+8+64]%asi
+        add     %o5, 256, %o5
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+8-128]%asi
+        bgu     %ncc, .wr_loop_start
+         stxa    %o1, [%o5+8-64]%asi
+        sub     %o5, ST_CHUNK*64, %o5  ! reset %o5
+        mov     ST_CHUNK, %g1
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+8+8]%asi
+        sub     %o4, 64, %o4
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+16+8]%asi
+        subcc   %g1, 1, %g1
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+24+8]%asi
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+32+8]%asi
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+40+8]%asi
+        add     %o5, 64, %o5
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5-8]%asi
+        bgu     %ncc, .wr_loop_rest
+         stxa    %o1, [%o5]ASI_STBI_P
+        ! If more than ST_CHUNK*64 bytes remain to set, continue
+        ! setting the first long word of each cache line in advance
+        ! to keep the store pipeline moving.
+        cmp     %o4, ST_CHUNK*64
+        bge,pt  %ncc, .wr_loop_start
+         mov     ST_CHUNK, %g1
+        brz,a,pn %o4, .asi_done
+         add     %o5, 8, %o5             ! restore %o5 offset
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+8]%asi
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+8+8]%asi
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+16+8]%asi
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+24+8]%asi
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+32+8]%asi
+        subcc   %o4, 64, %o4
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+40+8]%asi
+        add     %o5, 64, %o5
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5-8]%asi
+        bgu,pt  %ncc, .wr_loop_small
+         stxa    %o1, [%o5]ASI_STBI_P
+        ba      .asi_done
+         add     %o5, 8, %o5             ! restore %o5 offset
+!       Special case loop for zero fill memsets
+!       For each 64 byte cache line, single STBI to first element
+!       clears line
+        cmp     %o4, MIN_ZERO           ! check if enough bytes to set
+                                        ! to pay %asi + membar cost
+        blu     %ncc, .short_set
+         nop
+        sub     %o4, 256, %o4
+        mov     64, %g3
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5]ASI_STBI_P
+        subcc   %o4, 256, %o4
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+%g3]ASI_STBI_P
+        add     %o5, 256, %o5
+        sub     %g3, 192, %g3
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5+%g3]ASI_STBI_P
+        add %g3, 64, %g3
+        bge,pt  %ncc, .wrzero_loop
+         stxa    %o1, [%o5+%g3]ASI_STBI_P
+        add     %o4, 256, %o4
+        brz,pn  %o4, .bsi_done
+         nop
+        stxa    %o1, [%o5]ASI_STBI_P
+        subcc   %o4, 64, %o4
+        bgu,pt  %ncc, .wrzero_small
+         add     %o5, 64, %o5
+       ba,a    .bsi_done
+       wr      %g3, 0x0, %asi          ! restored saved %asi
+        membar  #StoreStore             ! required by use of Block Store Init
+        cmp     %o4, 64                 ! check if 64 bytes to set
+        blu     %ncc, 5f
+         nop
+4:                                      ! set final blocks of 64 bytes
+        stx     %o1, [%o5]
+        stx     %o1, [%o5+8]
+        stx     %o1, [%o5+16]
+        stx     %o1, [%o5+24]
+        subcc   %o4, 64, %o4
+        stx     %o1, [%o5+32]
+        stx     %o1, [%o5+40]
+        add     %o5, 64, %o5
+        stx     %o1, [%o5-16]
+        bgu,pt  %ncc, 4b
+         stx     %o1, [%o5-8]
+        ! Set the remaining long words
+        subcc   %o3, 8, %o3             ! Can we store any long words?
+        blu,pn  %ncc, .wrchars
+         and     %o2, 7, %o2             ! calc bytes left after long words
+        subcc   %o3, 8, %o3
+        stx     %o1, [%o5]              ! store the long words
+        bgeu,pt %ncc, 6b
+         add     %o5, 8, %o5
+.wrchars:                               ! check for extra chars
+        brnz    %o2, .wrfin
+         nop
+        retl
+         nop
+        andcc   %o5, 3, %o3             ! is sp1 aligned on a word boundary
+        bz,pn   %ncc, .wrword
+         andn    %o2, 3, %o3             ! create word sized count in %o3
+        dec     %o2                     ! decrement count
+        stb     %o1, [%o5]              ! clear a byte
+        b       .wdalign
+         inc     %o5                     ! next byte
+        subcc   %o3, 4, %o3
+        st      %o1, [%o5]              ! 4-byte writing loop
+        bnz,pt  %ncc, .wrword
+         add     %o5, 4, %o5
+        and     %o2, 3, %o2             ! leftover count, if any
+        ! Set the remaining bytes, if any
+        brz     %o2, .exit
+         nop
+        deccc   %o2
+        stb     %o1, [%o5]
+        bgu,pt  %ncc, .wrfin
+         inc     %o5
+        retl                            ! %o0 was preserved
+         nop
+       .size           M7memset,.-M7memset
diff --git a/arch/sparc/lib/M7patch.S b/arch/sparc/lib/M7patch.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fe107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sparc/lib/M7patch.S
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * M7patch.S: Patch generic routines with M7 variant.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
+ */
+#define BRANCH_ALWAYS  0x10680000
+#define NOP            0x01000000
+#define NG_DO_PATCH(OLD, NEW)  \
+       sethi   %hi(NEW), %g1; \
+       or      %g1, %lo(NEW), %g1; \
+       sethi   %hi(OLD), %g2; \
+       or      %g2, %lo(OLD), %g2; \
+       sub     %g1, %g2, %g1; \
+       sethi   %hi(BRANCH_ALWAYS), %g3; \
+       sll     %g1, 11, %g1; \
+       srl     %g1, 11 + 2, %g1; \
+       or      %g3, %lo(BRANCH_ALWAYS), %g3; \
+       or      %g3, %g1, %g3; \
+       stw     %g3, [%g2]; \
+       sethi   %hi(NOP), %g3; \
+       or      %g3, %lo(NOP), %g3; \
+       stw     %g3, [%g2 + 0x4]; \
+       flush   %g2;
+       .globl  m7_patch_copyops
+       .type   m7_patch_copyops,#function
+       NG_DO_PATCH(memcpy, M7memcpy)
+       NG_DO_PATCH(raw_copy_from_user, M7copy_from_user)
+       NG_DO_PATCH(raw_copy_to_user, M7copy_to_user)
+       retl
+        nop
+       .size   m7_patch_copyops,.-m7_patch_copyops
+       .globl  m7_patch_bzero
+       .type   m7_patch_bzero,#function
+       NG_DO_PATCH(memset, M7memset)
+       NG_DO_PATCH(__bzero, M7bzero)
+       NG_DO_PATCH(__clear_user, NGclear_user)
+       NG_DO_PATCH(tsb_init, NGtsb_init)
+       retl
+        nop
+       .size   m7_patch_bzero,.-m7_patch_bzero
+       .globl  m7_patch_pageops
+       .type   m7_patch_pageops,#function
+       NG_DO_PATCH(copy_user_page, NG4copy_user_page)
+       NG_DO_PATCH(_clear_page, M7clear_page)
+       NG_DO_PATCH(clear_user_page, M7clear_user_page)
+       retl
+        nop
+       .size   m7_patch_pageops,.-m7_patch_pageops
diff --git a/arch/sparc/lib/Makefile b/arch/sparc/lib/Makefile
index 37930c0..a1a2d39 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/lib/Makefile
+++ b/arch/sparc/lib/Makefile
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ lib-$(CONFIG_SPARC64) +=  NG4patch.o NG4copy_page.o 
NG4clear_page.o NG4memset.o
 lib-$(CONFIG_SPARC64) += Memcpy_utils.o
+lib-$(CONFIG_SPARC64) += M7memcpy.o M7copy_from_user.o M7copy_to_user.o
+lib-$(CONFIG_SPARC64) += M7patch.o M7memset.o
 lib-$(CONFIG_SPARC64) += GENmemcpy.o GENcopy_from_user.o GENcopy_to_user.o
 lib-$(CONFIG_SPARC64) += GENpatch.o GENpage.o GENbzero.o

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