William Lee Irwin III wrote:
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 04:34:36PM +1000, Peter Williams wrote:
This doesn't make any sense to me.
For a start, exact simultaneous operation would be impossible to achieve
except with highly specialized architecture such as the long departed
transputer. And secondly, I can't see why it's necessary.
We're not going to make any headway here, so we might as well drop the
Yes, we were starting to go around in circles weren't we?
There are other things to talk about anyway, for instance I'm seeing
interest in plugsched come about from elsewhere and am taking an
interest in getting it into shape wrt. various design goals therefore.
Probably the largest issue of note is getting scheduler drivers
loadable as kernel modules. Addressing the points Ingo made that can
be addressed are also lined up for this effort.
Comments on which directions you'd like this to go in these respects
would be appreciated, as I regard you as the current "project owner."
I'd do scan through LKML from about 18 months ago looking for mention of
runtime configurable version of plugsched. Some students at a
university (in Germany, I think) posted some patches adding this feature
to plugsched around about then.
I never added them to plugsched proper as I knew (from previous
experience when the company I worked for posted patches with similar
functionality) that Linux would like this idea less than he did the
current plugsched mechanism.
Unfortunately, my own cache of the relevant e-mails got overwritten
during a Fedora Core upgrade (I've since moved /var onto a separate
drive to avoid a repetition) or I would dig them out and send them to
you. I'd provided with copies of the company's patches to use as a
guide to how to overcome the problems associated with changing
schedulers on a running system (a few non trivial locking issues pop up).
Maybe if one of the students still reads LKML he will provide a pointer.
Peter Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Learning, n. The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious."
-- Ambrose Bierce
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