Fixed now and working on it..
On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, T. Yamada wrote:
> > Both disks claim support for the Host Protected Area feature set.
> > No doubt early disks had firmware flaws.
> So it's yet another "borken hardware"... Is there anything like
> SCSI "blacklist" for IDE driver? Then it could be handled easily
> by registering the drive there and check that out before autodetection.
> > - The routine idedisk_supports_host_protected_area()
> > should look at bit 10 of command_set_1, but it does a "& 0x0a".
> Oh, no. Thanks for catching that. It should obviously be 0x0400.
> # I guess it got converted in a way like this: 10th bit -> 10 -> 0x0a. Ugh.
> > - The assignment "hd_cap = hd_max;" is one off:
> Now that explains one missing sector reported previously. Yes,
> ATA spec says that the command returns "maximum address", not
> number of sectors.
> I'll make a fix and resend a patch - or since the fix is so
> simple, I guess Andre can just add these fixes to IDE driver directly.
> --
> Taisuke Yamada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PGP fingerprint = 6B 57 1B ED 65 4C 7D AE 57 1B 49 A7 F7 C8 23 46
Andre Hedrick
CTO Timpanogas Research Group
EVP Linux Development, TRG
Linux ATA Development
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