Lot of code from rproc_fw_boot() and rproc_shutdown() has been
duplicated in rproc_start() and rproc_stop() respectively.
Refactor the code, so that rproc_start() and rproc_stop() can
be called from boot up and shutdown path directly, instead of
having the unnecessary duplication of code.

Signed-off-by: Sarangdhar Joshi <spjo...@codeaurora.org>
 drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c | 58 +++---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c 
index 169abb3..a5b72b1 100644
--- a/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+++ b/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ static int rproc_fw_boot(struct rproc *rproc, const struct 
firmware *fw)
        struct device *dev = &rproc->dev;
        const char *name = rproc->firmware;
-       struct resource_table *table, *loaded_table;
+       struct resource_table *table;
        int ret, tablesz;
        ret = rproc_fw_sanity_check(rproc, fw);
@@ -962,48 +962,12 @@ static int rproc_fw_boot(struct rproc *rproc, const 
struct firmware *fw)
                goto clean_up_resources;
-       /* load the ELF segments to memory */
-       ret = rproc_load_segments(rproc, fw);
-       if (ret) {
-               dev_err(dev, "Failed to load program segments: %d\n", ret);
-               goto clean_up_resources;
-       }
-       /*
-        * The starting device has been given the rproc->table_ptr as the
-        * resource table. The address of the vring along with the other
-        * allocated resources (carveouts etc) is stored in table_ptr.
-        * In order to pass this information to the remote device we must copy
-        * this information to device memory. We also update the table_ptr so
-        * that any subsequent changes will be applied to the loaded version.
-        */
-       loaded_table = rproc_find_loaded_rsc_table(rproc, fw);
-       if (loaded_table)
-               memcpy(loaded_table, rproc->table_ptr, tablesz);
-       /* power up the remote processor */
-       ret = rproc->ops->start(rproc);
-       if (ret) {
-               dev_err(dev, "can't start rproc %s: %d\n", rproc->name, ret);
+       ret = rproc_start(rproc, fw);
+       if (ret)
                goto clean_up_resources;
-       }
-       /* probe any subdevices for the remote processor */
-       ret = rproc_probe_subdevices(rproc);
-       if (ret) {
-               dev_err(dev, "failed to probe subdevices for %s: %d\n",
-                       rproc->name, ret);
-               goto stop_rproc;
-       }
-       rproc->state = RPROC_RUNNING;
-       dev_info(dev, "remote processor %s is now up\n", rproc->name);
        return 0;
-       rproc->ops->stop(rproc);
@@ -1265,14 +1229,9 @@ void rproc_shutdown(struct rproc *rproc)
        if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&rproc->power))
                goto out;
-       /* remove any subdevices for the remote processor */
-       rproc_remove_subdevices(rproc);
-       /* power off the remote processor */
-       ret = rproc->ops->stop(rproc);
+       ret = rproc_stop(rproc);
        if (ret) {
-               dev_err(dev, "can't stop rproc: %d\n", ret);
                goto out;
@@ -1284,15 +1243,6 @@ void rproc_shutdown(struct rproc *rproc)
        /* Free the copy of the resource table */
        rproc->table_ptr = NULL;
-       /* if in crash state, unlock crash handler */
-       if (rproc->state == RPROC_CRASHED)
-               complete_all(&rproc->crash_comp);
-       rproc->state = RPROC_OFFLINE;
-       dev_info(dev, "stopped remote processor %s\n", rproc->name);
The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of the Code Aurora Forum,
a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project

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