Hi all, We're writing a device driver and having some difficulty matching a subsystem to the driver/device properties. Can anyone help with direction?
These are some basic properties: 1) Device is used to carry generic data to/from userspace. It's a pair of dumb streams with one sink and one source for each direction (no addressable endpoints for the other side). 2) Data goes to/from a DMA engine in an FPGA at high throughput. 3) The driver enables userspace to queue multiple DMA-able buffers for asynchronous, pipelined data transfer. We currently use the videobuf2 API to provide the feature. We're not carrying video data in general, though. It's a piece of a software-defined radio system, and while it can carry data from DACs/ADCs, the device is only a generic transport. It doesn't know what data it's carrying, so neither would the driver. Some guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! --Alex