Am Mittwoch 28 März 2007 schrieb Con Kolivas:
> I'm cautiously optimistic that we're at the thin edge of the bugfix wedge
> now.
> ---
> set_load_weight() should be performed after p->quota is set. This fixes a
> large SMP performance regression.

Hi, I am using 2.6.21-rc5 with rsdl 0.37 and think I still see a regression 
with my Athlon X2. Namely using this ac3 encoder 
(, which I parallelized in a simple way, with 
my test sample I remember having encoding times of ~5.4sec with vanilla and 
~5.8 sec with rsdl - once the whole test wave is in cache. Otherwise you can 
easily I/O limit the encoder. ;-) You need to get sources from svn though. 
The current 0.06 release doesn't have threads support.


(°=                 =°)
//\ Prakash Punnoor /\\
V_/                 \_V

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