20.12.2016, 11:21, "Thomas Gleixner" <t...@linutronix.de>:
> On Mon, 19 Dec 2016, Ozgur Karatas wrote:
>>  else doesn't need to be used, if should be enclosed in parentheses.
> Really?
> So you change the code from
>         if (err < 0)
>                 return err;
>             else
>                 err = 0;
> to
>         if (err < 0) {
>                 return err;
>                 err = 0;
>         }
> How on earth is that equivivalent and how would that 'err = 0;' statement
> be ever executed?

Oh my god, I missed this point, sorry! 
Thank you so much for correct me.

This "return err;" will give to "err" and err defined to err = "0".
Then removed to "else" and return = err;  and should it be like this?

#define err = 0;

         if (err < 0) {
                 return err;



> You clearly ran checkpatch.pl on this file and the output for this
> construct is:
> WARNING: else is not generally useful after a break or return
> #550: FILE: kernel/futex.c:550:
> + return err;
> + else
> So the proper change would have been:
>         if (err < 0)
>                 return err;
>         err = 0;
> and not the trainwreck you created.
> checkpatch.pl does not substitute basic knowlegde of C.
> Thanks,
>         tglx

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