16.12.2016, 20:35, "Joe Perches" <j...@perches.com>:
> On Fri, 2016-12-16 at 20:21 +0200, Ozgur Karatas wrote:
>>  This patch fixed to keyboard typo, brackets not closed.
>>  I think, it should be close to parenthes.
> No.
> Please compile and test your patches on your own system
> before you send them.

Dear Perches,

I have already tested and it was not a part of the code anyway. if there is no 
parentheses, the code works incorrectly and give a error. 
I'm sorry, have a little problem with my english but "line_string" variables 
would not equal NULL, 10. So the code it skips it and runs to "bpf_prog_len".
If it should be equal "0 &&" and already be completed (>) right?

if (strlen(line_string) > 0 &&
            (line = strtoul(line_string, NULL, 10)) < bpf_prog_len)


$ make M=tools/
tools//Makefile:6: scripts/Makefile.include: No such file or directory
$ cp tools/scripts/Makefile.include scripts/Makefile
$ make M=tools/
  Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 0 modules

I try to module (insmod) and worked.



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