On Sunday 12 November 2000 23:31, Erik Mouw wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 02:39:09PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > * USB: system hang with USB audio driver {CRITICAL} (David
> > Woodhouse, Randy Dunlap, Narayan Desai) (Fixed with usb-uhci;
> > uhci-alt is unknown -- randy dunlap)
> I can still hang the system with XMMS (1.0.1) using real-time priority.
> The system doesn't die, but it is completely unresponsive. There is no
> sound, but after the MP3 file is played, the system works again. I can
> reproduce this behaviour with usb-uhci and uhci-alt on 2.4.0-test10.
> I haven't test test11-pre3 yet, but the changes don't look too big that
> the "bug" has been fixed.
Does it use non blocking IO?
In such case you might have created an infinite loop at high priority
resulting in a busylock of all other processes.
> BTW, I don't think this is a critical bug.
> Erik
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