On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 5:29 PM, Christoph Hellwig <h...@infradead.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 11:32:21AM +0200, Linus Walleij wrote:
>> So I'm not just complaining by the way, I'm trying to fix this. Also
>> Bartlomiej from Samsung has done some stabs at switching MMC/SD
>> to blk-mq. I just rebased my latest stab at a naīve switch to blk-mq
>> to v4.9-rc2 with these results.
>> The patch to enable MQ looks like this:
>> https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/linusw/linux-stericsson.git/commit/?h=mmc-mq&id=8f79b527e2e854071d8da019451da68d4753f71d
>> I run these tests directly after boot with cold caches. The results
>> are consistent: I ran the same commands 10 times in a row.
> A couple comments from a quick look over the patch:
> In the changelog you complain:
> ". Lack of front- and back-end merging in the MQ block layer creating
> several small requests instead of a few large ones."
> In blk-mq merging is controller by the BLK_MQ_F_SHOULD_MERGE and
> BLK_MQ_F_SG_MERGE flags.  You set the former, but not the latter.
> BLK_MQ_F_SG_MERGE controls wether multiple physical contiguous pages get
> merged into a single segment.  For a dd after a fresh boot that is
> probably very common.  Except for the polarity of the merge flags the
> basic merge functionality between the legacy and blk-mq path should be
> the same, and if they aren't you've found a bug we need to address.

Aha OK I will make sure to set both flags next time. (I will also stop
guessing about that as a cause since that part probably works.)

> You also say that you disable the pipelining.  How much of a performance
> gain did this feature give when added? How much does just removing that
> on it's own cost you?

Interestingly, the original commit doesn't say.

It however dependends the cache architecture of the machine how
much is won. The heavier the cache flushes, the more it gains.

I guess I need to make a patch removing that mechanism to bench
it. It's pretty hard to get rid of because it goes really deep into the
MMC subsystem. It's massaged in like a schampoo.

> While I think that features is rather messy and
> should be avoided if possible I don't see how it's impossible to
> implement in blk-mq.

It's probably possible. What I discussed with Arnd was to let
the blk-mq core call out to these pre-request and post-request
hooks on new requests in parallel with processing a request or
a queue of requests. I.e. add .prep_request() and .unprep_request()
callbacks to struct blk_mq_ops.

I tried to understand if the existing .init_request and .exit_request
callbacks could be used. But as I understand it they are only used
to allocate and prepare the extra per-request-associated memory
and state, and does not have access to the request per se,
so it doesn't know anything about the actual request when
.init_request() is called.

So we're looking for something called whenever the contents of
a request are done, right before queueing it, and right after
dequeueing it after being served.

>  If you just increase your queue depth and use
> the old scheme you should get it - if you currently can't handle the
> second command for some reason (i.e. the special request magic) you
> can just return BLK_MQ_RQ_QUEUE_BUSY from the queue_rq function.

Bartlomiejs patch set did that, but I haven't been able to reproduce it.

I will try to make a clean patch in the spirit of his.

Linus Walleij

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