Search the lkml archives.  Here are 2 instances
to find:

from jamal, 2000-jan-6: [ANNOUNCE] SOFTNETing Network Drivers HOWTO

from kuznet, 2000-feb-14: "softnet" drivers: an attempt to clarify

from dave miller, 2000-feb-9: new network driver interface changes, README
from jamal, 2000-feb-10:      ditto
from dave miller, 2000-feb-12: ditto

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> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 10:01 AM
> Subject: Porting Linux v2.2.x Ethernet driver to v2.4.x?
> Hello.
> I am about to modify a Linux v2.2.x-compatible Ethernet 
> driver to allow it to
> work in the new v2.4.x kernel.  Are there any documents which 
> describe the
> differences in the device driver models (particularly PCI and 
> Ethernet) of the 2
> kernel versions?  If so, where can I find them?
> Thank you.
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