On Thursday, September 08, 2016 11:25:44 PM Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> This is a refresh of the functional dependencies series that I posted last
> year and which has picked up by Marek quite recently.  For reference, appended
> is my introductory message sent previously (which may be slightly outdated 
> now).
> As last time, the first patch rearranges the code around 
> __device_release_driver()
> a bit to prepare it for the next one (it actually hasn't changed AFAICS).
> The second patch introduces the actual device links mechanics, but without
> system suspend/resume and runtime PM support which are added by the subsequent
> patches.
> Some bugs found by Marek during his work on these patches should be fixed
> here.  In particular, the endless recursion in device_reorder_to_tail()
> which simply was broken before.
> There are two additional patches to address the issue with runtime PM support
> that occured when runtime PM was disabled for some suppliers due to a PM
> sleep transition in progress.  Those patches simply make runtime PM helpers
> return 0 in that case which may be controversial, so please let me know if
> there are concerns about those.
> The way device_link_add() works is a bit different, as it takes an additional
> status argument now.  That makes it possible to create a link in any state,
> with extra care of course, and should address the problem pointed to by Lukas
> during the previous discussion.
> Also some comments from Tomeu have been addressed.
> This hasn't been really tested yet and I'm sort of relying on Marek to test
> it, because he has a use case ready.  Hence, the RFT tag on the series.
> Overall, please let me know what you think.
> Thanks,
> Rafael
> Introduction:
> As discussed in the recent "On-demand device probing" thread and in a Kernel
> Summit session earlier today, there is a problem with handling cases where
> functional dependencies between devices are involved.
> What I mean by a "functional dependency" is when the driver of device B needs
> both device A and its driver to be present and functional to be able to work.
> This implies that the driver of A needs to be working for B to be probed
> successfully and it cannot be unbound from the device before the B's driver.
> This also has certain consequences for power management of these devices
> (suspend/resume and runtime PM ordering).
> So I want to be able to represent those functional dependencies between 
> devices
> and I'd like the driver core to track them and act on them in certain cases
> where they matter.  The argument for doing that in the driver core is that
> there are quite a few distinct use cases related to that, they are relatively
> hard to get right in a driver (if one wants to address all of them properly)
> and it only gets worse if multiplied by the number of drivers potentially
> needing to do it.  Morever, at least one case (asynchronous system 
> suspend/resume)
> cannot be handled in a single driver at all, because it requires the driver 
> of A
> to wait for B to suspend (during system suspend) and the driver of B to wait 
> for
> A to resume (during system resume).
> My idea is to represent a supplier-consumer dependency between devices (or
> more precisely between device+driver combos) as a "link" object containing
> pointers to the devices in question, a list node for each of them and some
> additional information related to the management of those objects, ie.
> something like:
> struct device_link {
>         struct device *supplier;
>         struct list_head supplier_node;
>         struct device *consumer;
>         struct list_head consumer_node;
>         <flags, status etc>
> };
> In general, there will be two lists of those things per device, one list
> of links to consumers and one list of links to suppliers.
> In that picture, links will be created by calling, say:
> int device_add_link(struct device *me, struct device *my_supplier, unsigned 
> int flags);
> and they will be deleted by the driver core when not needed any more.  The
> creation of a link should also cause dpm_list and the list used during 
> shutdown
> to be reordered if needed.
> In principle, it seems usefult to consider two types of links, one created
> at device registration time (when registering the second device from the 
> linked
> pair, whichever it is) and one created at probe time (of the consumer device).
> I'll refer to them as "permanent" and "probe-time" links, respectively.
> The permanent links (created at device registration time) will stay around
> until one of the linked devices is unregistered (at which time the driver
> core will drop the link along with the device going away).  The probe-time
> ones will be dropped (automatically) at the consumer device driver unbind 
> time.
> There's a question about what if the supplier device is being unbound before
> the consumer one (for example, as a result of a hotplug event).  My current
> view on that is that the consumer needs to be force-unbound in that case too,
> but I guess I may be persuaded otherwise given sufficiently convincing
> arguments.  Anyway, there are reasons to do that, like for example it may
> help with the synchronization.  Namely, if there's a rule that suppliers
> cannot be unbound before any consumers linked to them, than the list of links
> to suppliers for a consumer can only change at its registration/probe or
> unbind/remove times (which simplifies things quite a bit).
> With that, the permanent links existing at the probe time for a consumer
> device can be used to check whether or not to defer the probing of it
> even before executing its probe callback.  In turn, system suspend
> synchronization should be a matter of calling device_pm_wait_for_dev()
> for all consumers of a supplier device, in analogy with 
> dpm_wait_for_children(),
> and so on.
> Of course, the new lists have to be stable during those operations and 
> ensuring
> that is going to be somewhat tricky (AFAICS right now at least), but apart 
> from
> that the whole concept looks reasonably straightforward to me.
> --

The Mark's address is broken in this series.  Again, sadly.

Really sorry about that and please fix it up when you reply.


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