> From: David Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Is the external hub a externally powered hub, or self
> powered hub (does
> > it get it's power from a plug in the wall, or from the USB
> bus)? Self
> > powered hubs are notoriously flaky and have been known to
> > evil things to the USB bus.
> Either. Currently bus (self) powered. This hub has worked
> fine on my other
> computers without any adverse affect.
Bus-powered != self-powered.
Self-powered means that it has its own power cord.
Bus-powered means that it gets its power from the USB cable.
Unlike Greg, I would have said that bus-powered hubs
can be a problem -- especially when you plug too many
devices into them that need lots of power. What we saw
at the USB PlugFest was hubs just shutting down when
we did this. :(
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