Hi Larry,
On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Larry McVoy wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 08:44:11AM +0100, Christoph Rohland wrote:
>> *Are you crazy?* =:-0
>> Proposing proprietary kernel extensions to establish an enterprise
>> kernel? No thanks!
> Actually, I think this idea is a good one. I'm a big opponent of
> all the big iron feature bloat getting into the kernel, and if SGI
> et al want to go off and do their own thing, that's fine with me.
> As long as Linus continues in his current role, I doubt much of
> anything that the big iron boys do will really make it back into the
> generic kernel. Linus is really smart about that stuff, are least
> it seems so to me; he seems to be well aware that 99.9999% of the
> hardware in the world isn't big iron and never will be, so something
> approximating 99% of the effort should be going towards the common
> platforms, not the uncommon ones.
If we would not allow binary only modules I would not have such a big
problem with that...
I understand that the one size fits all approach has some limitations
if you want to run on PDAs up to big iron. But a framework to overload
core kernel functions with modules smells a lot of binary only, closed
source, vendor specific Linux on high end machines.
And then I don't see the value of Linux anymore.
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