
> I can not make sure it is hardware problem, but I have interest in this 
> case's reproducing.
> If you tell me your platform's construction, I will try it and give you good 
> solution.

The machines giving problems are almost identical when it comes to 
hardware specs :

Intel SE7520BD2 mainbord (SE7520 chipset)
Dual Intel Xeon 2.8 Ghz (other machine : Dual Xeon 3.2 Ghz)
4 GB PC3200 ECC (400 Mhz) Corsair (other machine : 2GB PC3200 ECC)

> Does your RAID adapter's firmware version work on 1.42?
> Areca firmware had fix some hardware bugs and rare sg length handle in this 
> version.

It's currently at 1.41. I'll see if I can upgrade it to 1.42. For now, 
I've put all available stacktraces when it hung on 
http://www.jdi-ict.nl/areca, together with a lspci -v -v and a copy of the 
kernel's .config

Please let me know if you need anything else.



Igmar Palsenberg

Zutphensestraatweg 85
6953 CJ Dieren
Tel: +31 (0)313 - 496741
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The Netherlands

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