Add generation of ./scripts/mod/Module.ksymb file containing
associations of driver file names and corresponding CONFIG_*

This file will be used by modpost to peg kconfig CONFIG_*
symbol to its corresponding module. This information will
be further exposed in userspace for extracting build options
for the required modules.

This approach faces the following limitations:
* in some cases there are more than one CONFIG_* option
for certain objects. This happens for the objects that are
part of more CONFIGs. Thus, all configs are returned for
this object names. For example, the mapping for clk_div6 is
CONFIG_ARCH_R8A73A4, CONFIG_ARCH_R8A7793 and many others.
* in some cases the driver file name does not match the
registered name for the module. For example:

Driver filename         Module name
lineage-pem[.o]         lineage_pem
phy-ab8500-usb[.o]      abx5x0-usb
ehci-mxc[.o]            mxc-ehci

There is no naming rule / standard between the driver
name and the registered module name.

This patch is part of a research project within
Google Summer of Code of porting 'make localmodconfig'
for backported drivers.

Signed-off-by: Cristina Moraru <>
 scripts/kconfig/ | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

diff --git a/scripts/kconfig/ 
index b8c7b29..4833ede 100755
--- a/scripts/kconfig/
+++ b/scripts/kconfig/
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ my %objects;
 my $var;
 my $iflevel = 0;
 my @ifdeps;
+my @drv_objs;
 # prevent recursion
 my %read_kconfigs;
@@ -341,6 +342,10 @@ foreach my $makefile (@makefiles) {
                    # The objects have a hash mapping to a reference
                    # of an array of configs.
                    $objects{$1} = \@arr;
+                   # Save objects corresponding to driver Makefiles
+                   if (index($makefile, "./drivers/") == 0) {
+                           push(@drv_objs, substr($obj, 0, -2));
+                       }
@@ -348,6 +353,21 @@ foreach my $makefile (@makefiles) {
+sub gen_module_kconfigs {
+       my $module_ksymb = $ENV{'objtree'}."/scripts/mod/Module.ksymb";
+       my $key;
+       open(my $ksymbfile, '>', $module_ksymb) || die "Can not open 
$module_ksymb for writing";
+       foreach (@drv_objs) {
+               print $ksymbfile "$_ " . "@{$objects{$_}}\n";
+       }
+       close $ksymbfile;
 my %modules;
 my $linfile;

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