On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 05:45:01AM +0200, meg...@megous.com wrote:

> +     config.init_data = of_get_regulator_init_data(dev, dev->of_node, 
> &sy8106a_reg);
> +     if (!config.init_data) {
> +             return -EINVAL;
> +     }
This is broken, constraints are entirely optional - the driver should
just instantiate no matter what (if anything) the constraints are.  This
means people can read the current state even if there is no need for
runtime configuration.

> +     dev_info(&i2c->dev, "SY8106A voltage at boot: %u mV\n", SY8106A_MIN_MV 
> + 
> +              SY8106A_STEP_MV * (selector & SY8106A_REG_VOUT1_SEL_MASK));

This is just noise, remove it - if we want to list the voltage for
regulators at probe we should be doing it consistently for all
regulators in the core rather than in individual drivers.

> +/*
> + * This is useless for OF-enabled devices, but it is needed by I2C subsystem
> + */
> +static const struct i2c_device_id sy8106a_i2c_id[] = {
> +     { },
> +};
> +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, sy8106a_i2c_id);

No, this is not the case - supporting DT does not mean that other
enumeration mechanisms can't be supported and there's no reason not to
list a sensible ID here.

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