On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 11:42:08PM +0100, Alessandro Di Marco wrote:
> Pavel Machek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Hi!
>    >    The /proc/bus/input/devices has an extensible structure. You can just
>    >    add an "A:" line (for Activity) instead of adding a new proc file.
>    > 
>    > I know, but IMO there is too much stuff to parse in there. Activity 
> counters
>    > are frequently accessed by daemons, and four or five concurrent daemons 
> are the
>    > norm in a typical X11 linux box...
>    Syscalls are fast enough, and the file is _very_ easy (=> fast) to parse.
>    >    Also, the activity counters should IMO coincide with the event times
>    >    passed through /dev/input/event, and should not be jiffies based.
>    >    Ideally, both should be based on clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC).
>    > 
>    > In evdev.c do_gettimeofday() is used. Anyway I just need of a monotonic
>    > counter, so get_jiffies_64() wouldn't be better? It isn't affected by 
> wrapping
>    > issues and it is probably faster than do_gtod().
>    Just use same time source rest of inputs already do...
> OK, but what about the time-warp problem?. To fix it I need to know when the
> system goes to sleep/resumes. In SIN I've solved via the platform driver,
> introducing suspend() resume() callbacks...
Well, you just need to make sure that a resume() actually is a visible
event ...

Vojtech Pavlik
Director SuSE Labs
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