On 13/05/16 09:58, Emese Revfy wrote:
Add a very simple plugin to demonstrate the GCC plugin infrastructure. This GCC
plugin computes the cyclomatic complexity of each function.


+       bool "Compute the cyclomatic complexity of a function"
+       depends on GCC_PLUGINS
+       help
+         The complexity M of a function's control flow graph is defined as:
+          M = E - N + 2P
+         where
+         E = the number of edges
+         N = the number of nodes
+         P = the number of connected components (exit nodes).

If this plugin is intended primarily as a demonstration it's probably worth mentioning this in the Kconfig description.

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnel...@au1.ibm.com  IBM Australia Limited

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