it might be that the userspace code shouldnt be including if_arp.h.
can you try that instead?

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Andrew Walrond writes:
>Don't know exactly when this change went in, but it's not in 
>and is in
>  $ diff linux/include/linux/if_arp.h linux-2.6/include/linux/if_arp.h
><       unsigned short  ar_hrd;         /* format of hardware address   */
><       unsigned short  ar_pro;         /* format of protocol address   */
> >       __be16          ar_hrd;         /* format of hardware address   */
> >       __be16          ar_pro;         /* format of protocol address   */
><       unsigned short  ar_op;          /* ARP opcode (command)         */
> >       __be16          ar_op;          /* ARP opcode (command)         */
>This causes the linux-atm userspace compile to fail like this:
>In file included from arp.c:19:
>/usr/include/linux/if_arp.h:133: error: expected 
>specifier-qualifier-list before '__be16'
>I guess if_arp.h needs to include include/linux/byteorder/big_endian.h?
>Andrew Walrond
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