Hi Heiko,

On 2016年03月28日 08:13, Heiko Stuebner wrote:
Hi Xing,

Am Samstag, 26. März 2016, 14:37:56 schrieb Xing Zheng:
Add the clock tree definition for the new RK3399 SoC.

Signed-off-by: Xing Zheng<zhengx...@rock-chips.com>

+       /*
+        * We use pclkin_cifinv by default GRF_SOC_CON20[9] (GSC20_9) setting in
system, +        * so we ignore the mux and make clocks nodes as following,
+        *
+        * pclkin_cifinv --|-------\
+        *                 |GSC20_9|-- pclkin_cifmux
+        * pclkin_cif    --|-------/
+        */
+       GATE(PCLK_ISP1_WRAPPER, "pclkin_isp1_wrapper", "pclkin_cifmux",
please name that source clock pclkin_cif as in the TRM.
pclkin_cif is the actual input clock - if I'm reading the TRM correctly and
the inverter is part of the soc or so?

That we currently hide / hardcode the phase-handling should not be part of
our outside connection - which should be stable even if we implement this

Yes, I think I will modify them like this:

GATE(PCLK_ISP1_WRAPPER, "pclkin_isp1_wrapper", "pclkin_cif", CLK_IGNORE_UNUSED,


- Xing Zheng

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