On 16 Mar 2016 at 16:34, Masahiro Yamada wrote:


> >> As mentioned above, I want you to use "..." style
> >> when you need to use relative path from the source.
> >>
> >> I do not see most of them in tools/gcc/.
> >
> > no, that'd be incorrect for several reasons. first, the rule to use <...> 
> > vs. "..."
> > include directives is not about the header being in the same directory but 
> > whether
> > the header is a system header or one provided by the given program. roughly 
> > speaking,
> > system headers are those that are available through the compiler's default 
> > include
> > paths (gcc's own headers, those of glibc and other libraries under 
> > /usr/include, etc).
> > gcc plugin headers are *not* available by default, one has to query the 
> > compiler about
> > their path (see -print-file-name=plugin above) and explicitly add it to the 
> > compiler's
> > include search path.
> Are you sure?

sure about which part? ;) the use of <...> vs "..." is a matter of convention 
differentiate between 'system' headers from the program's own) and for gcc the 
headers don't count as 'system' headers, gcc uses "..." throughout its codebase 
(so does clang/llvm). it'd look weird and inconsistent if compiler plugins used 

at the end of the day this comes down to whether gcc plugins are considered 
code and thus the kernel style applies to them (the kernel itself uses <...> 
it's a freestanding program so its 'system' headers are mostly what it provides
itself, not those of the compiler let alone userland libs) or gcc extensions 
and thus
the gcc include style applies to them. as you can guess, i'm arguing for the 
because gcc plugins are meant for the compiler, not the kernel per se, and in 
we have several plugins already that can be used in userland as well (e.g., 
size overflow plugin).

the one thing for plugins that i borrowed from the kernel instead of gcc is the 
formatting style as the GNU one is as bad as Linus argued decades ago ;).

> > second, regardless of whether plugin headers are available by default or 
> > not, we
> > still couldn't use them during cross-compilation as the plugin headers we 
> > want are
> > those of the target compiler (that will load the plugin eventually), not 
> > that of
> > the host compiler (which merely compiles the plugin and in theory doesn't 
> > even have
> > to be gcc or a plugin capable gcc).
> So, how could this be the reason why we should avoid #include <file>?

because <...> is meant for headers that are on the compiler's default search 
and even if gcc plugin headers were there (they aren't) they'd be the wrong ones
to use, you'd have to specifically override the include path with that of the 
compiler which is a sign that you're no longer including 'system' headers 
this convention holds for hosted programs, freestanding ones don't have anything
but 'system' headers usually).

> > for these reasons the correct include directive is "..." and not <...>. if 
> > it helps
> > to understand the situation better, consider that gcc plugins are to gcc as 
> > kernel
> > modules are to vmlinux and all kernel headers are included via "..." as 
> > well, regardless
sorry, i take that back, the kernel uses <...> but for a reason that in my 
doesn't apply to compiler plugins (see above).

> > of whether they're in the same directory or not.
> Of course, you could use #include "..." as well to include kernel headers,
> but you should not do that.
> You should do so only when you need to include headers that are local
> to your directory.

sure, a header in the same directory is a sign that it's not a 'system' header 
i'm also saying that there can be other non-system headers in a program in other
directories as well. FWIW, the kernel itself has several "..." directives that
reference headers outside of the same directory, e.g., try this in a kernel 

  grep "#include.*\"\." -rn

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