
On 08/03/16 14:20, Felipe Balbi wrote:
> Hi,
> Krzysztof Opasiak <k.opas...@samsung.com> writes:
>> [ text/plain ]
>> On 03/08/2016 02:54 PM, Felipe Ferreri Tonello wrote:
>>  (...)
>>>>> sort of preset library of configfs-based gadget drivers, we still need
>>>>> these modules.
>>>> there is already a library called libusbg.
>>> By preset library I meant scripts or little programs that implement the
>>> legacy drivers we have.
>> libusbgx implements an idea of gadget schemes[1]. That's simple
>> configuration files using libconfig syntax. I don't see any problems to
>> use it to create legacy gadget equivalents. Then you could simply load
>> it using usbg_import_gadget() in C code or gt[2] load from shell.
> cool, bmAttributes and bMaxPower are already there. Nice.

Yes! It is pretty awesome.


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