David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 08:22:21AM -0500, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

>> 1) mcdonald's was not merely serving their coffee "hot," but
>> *scalding* hot (180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit), a temperature that
>> will produce third-degree burns almost immediately, and
> That's less than 90°C.  Water boils at 100°C.  How the hell do
> people expect coffee to be made without boiling water?  Magic?

The recommendet _serving_ temperature for coffe is 55 °C or below.

>> 2) there had, for a decade prior, been some *700* cases where people
>> had burned themselves with mcdonald's coffee, so it's not as if
>> mcdonald's was unaware of the danger, yet continued to ignore it.
> No, the customers continued to prove to be total morons by total
> ignorance of the fact that coffee *is* hot when fresh.

So everybody at McDrive should wait for five minutes to let it cool down.
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