I've got an oops or two while copying 60 Gb of files over NFS then comparing them using diff. The client is AMD64 running Debian testing/unstable with the shinny new 2.6.20-rc2 kernel. The server is Debian testing with 2.6.18-3 distribution kernel. The source filesystem is ext3.
I left the machine to run the diff and when I came back, the USB keyboard was unresponsive although the USB mice plugged in the hub built into the keyboard were working fine. I was able to ssh into the box, capture the dmesg and reboot. Everything went down quietly but the box froze at the "... will restart". I had no working keyboard and no way to see if it was indeed frozen or not. I got a similar event of keyboard loss while copying the files using 2.6.20-rc1. I was able to copy the files using 2.6.19. The dmesg from the client machine is attached. florin -- Bruce Schneier expects the Spanish Inquisition. http://geekz.co.uk/schneierfacts/fact/163
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