Cc'ing Javi (which you should have as he wrote the power-thing for

On 05-11-15, 19:10, dawei chien wrote:
> This is because our platform currently only support mt8173_cpufreq.c, so
> that I only add static power model for our owner IC.

Bindings are (normally) supposed to be general than a platform

> Please understanding that I wouldn't give a DT binding document since I
> will remove static power table on next version, but I can try to explain
> it.

Then just don't add things in the first place.

> As far as I know, static power is somewhat leakage of CPU clusters, so
> that we hardly to find a formula, which can suitable all kinds of CPUs
> since leakage is different. In ARM IPA framework, static power only need
> to be defined by who register cpufreq_power_cooling_register. The
> voltage/power table is just one way to present leakage power of CPUs.

The bindings don't fix the values for static power, but just provides
a field for platforms to use. Everyone can then send its own power
figures. Why do you thing it can't be generalized?

> Actually, static power is optional since dynamic power is much more than
> static power.

Maybe, we should still capture it.

@Javi ?

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