Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] atomic.h atomic64_t standardization
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I finalized the work for atomic64_t cmpxchg and atomic64_add_unless on all
architectures. asm-generic/atomic.h atomic_long_t is also streamlined.

Review is welcome.


--- a/include/asm-alpha/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-alpha/atomic.h
@@ -175,19 +175,64 @@ static __inline__ long atomic64_sub_retu
        return result;
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic64_cmpxchg(v, old, new) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
+#define atomic64_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, new) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
 #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+ * atomic_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
+ * @a: the amount to add to v...
+ * @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
+ *
+ * Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as it was not @u.
+ * Returns non-zero if @v was not @u, and zero otherwise.
+ */
 #define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u)                             \
 ({                                                             \
-       int c, old;                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
        c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
-       while (c != (u) && (old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a))) != c) \
+       for (;;) {                                              \
+               if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
+                       break;                                  \
+               old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a));          \
+               if (likely(old == c))                           \
+                       break;                                  \
                c = old;                                        \
+       }                                                       \
        c != (u);                                               \
 #define atomic_inc_not_zero(v) atomic_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
+ * atomic64_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic64_t
+ * @a: the amount to add to v...
+ * @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
+ *
+ * Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as it was not @u.
+ * Returns non-zero if @v was not @u, and zero otherwise.
+ */
+#define atomic64_add_unless(v, a, u)                           \
+({                                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
+       c = atomic64_read(v);                                   \
+       for (;;) {                                              \
+               if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
+                       break;                                  \
+               old = atomic64_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a));        \
+               if (likely(old == c))                           \
+                       break;                                  \
+               c = old;                                        \
+       }                                                       \
+       c != (u);                                               \
+#define atomic64_inc_not_zero(v) atomic64_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 #define atomic_add_negative(a, v) (atomic_add_return((a), (v)) < 0)
 #define atomic64_add_negative(a, v) (atomic64_add_return((a), (v)) < 0)
--- a/include/asm-alpha/system.h
+++ b/include/asm-alpha/system.h
@@ -443,6 +443,111 @@ #define xchg(ptr,x)                                       
      (__typeof__(*(ptr))) __xchg((ptr), (unsigned long)_x_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+static inline unsigned long
+__xchg_u8_local(volatile char *m, unsigned long val)
+       unsigned long ret, tmp, addr64;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "       andnot  %4,7,%3\n"
+       "       insbl   %1,%4,%1\n"
+       "1:     ldq_l   %2,0(%3)\n"
+       "       extbl   %2,%4,%0\n"
+       "       mskbl   %2,%4,%2\n"
+       "       or      %1,%2,%2\n"
+       "       stq_c   %2,0(%3)\n"
+       "       beq     %2,2f\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "2:     br      1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r" (ret), "=&r" (val), "=&r" (tmp), "=&r" (addr64)
+       : "r" ((long)m), "1" (val) : "memory");
+       return ret;
+static inline unsigned long
+__xchg_u16_local(volatile short *m, unsigned long val)
+       unsigned long ret, tmp, addr64;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "       andnot  %4,7,%3\n"
+       "       inswl   %1,%4,%1\n"
+       "1:     ldq_l   %2,0(%3)\n"
+       "       extwl   %2,%4,%0\n"
+       "       mskwl   %2,%4,%2\n"
+       "       or      %1,%2,%2\n"
+       "       stq_c   %2,0(%3)\n"
+       "       beq     %2,2f\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "2:     br      1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r" (ret), "=&r" (val), "=&r" (tmp), "=&r" (addr64)
+       : "r" ((long)m), "1" (val) : "memory");
+       return ret;
+static inline unsigned long
+__xchg_u32_local(volatile int *m, unsigned long val)
+       unsigned long dummy;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "1:     ldl_l %0,%4\n"
+       "       bis $31,%3,%1\n"
+       "       stl_c %1,%2\n"
+       "       beq %1,2f\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "2:     br 1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r" (val), "=&r" (dummy), "=m" (*m)
+       : "rI" (val), "m" (*m) : "memory");
+       return val;
+static inline unsigned long
+__xchg_u64_local(volatile long *m, unsigned long val)
+       unsigned long dummy;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "1:     ldq_l %0,%4\n"
+       "       bis $31,%3,%1\n"
+       "       stq_c %1,%2\n"
+       "       beq %1,2f\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "2:     br 1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r" (val), "=&r" (dummy), "=m" (*m)
+       : "rI" (val), "m" (*m) : "memory");
+       return val;
+#define __xchg_local(ptr, x, size) \
+({ \
+       unsigned long __xchg__res; \
+       volatile void *__xchg__ptr = (ptr); \
+       switch (size) { \
+               case 1: __xchg__res = __xchg_u8_local(__xchg__ptr, x); break; \
+               case 2: __xchg__res = __xchg_u16_local(__xchg__ptr, x); break; \
+               case 4: __xchg__res = __xchg_u32_local(__xchg__ptr, x); break; \
+               case 8: __xchg__res = __xchg_u64_local(__xchg__ptr, x); break; \
+               default: __xchg_called_with_bad_pointer(); __xchg__res = x; \
+       } \
+       __xchg__res; \
+#define xchg_local(ptr,x)                                                   \
+  ({                                                                        \
+     __typeof__(*(ptr)) _x_ = (x);                                          \
+     (__typeof__(*(ptr))) __xchg_local((ptr), (unsigned long)_x_,           \
+               sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+  })
 #define tas(ptr) (xchg((ptr),1))
@@ -596,6 +701,128 @@ #define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)                                  
                                    (unsigned long)_n_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+static inline unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_u8_local(volatile char *m, long old, long new)
+       unsigned long prev, tmp, cmp, addr64;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "       andnot  %5,7,%4\n"
+       "       insbl   %1,%5,%1\n"
+       "1:     ldq_l   %2,0(%4)\n"
+       "       extbl   %2,%5,%0\n"
+       "       cmpeq   %0,%6,%3\n"
+       "       beq     %3,2f\n"
+       "       mskbl   %2,%5,%2\n"
+       "       or      %1,%2,%2\n"
+       "       stq_c   %2,0(%4)\n"
+       "       beq     %2,3f\n"
+       "2:\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "3:     br      1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r" (prev), "=&r" (new), "=&r" (tmp), "=&r" (cmp), "=&r" (addr64)
+       : "r" ((long)m), "Ir" (old), "1" (new) : "memory");
+       return prev;
+static inline unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_u16_local(volatile short *m, long old, long new)
+       unsigned long prev, tmp, cmp, addr64;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "       andnot  %5,7,%4\n"
+       "       inswl   %1,%5,%1\n"
+       "1:     ldq_l   %2,0(%4)\n"
+       "       extwl   %2,%5,%0\n"
+       "       cmpeq   %0,%6,%3\n"
+       "       beq     %3,2f\n"
+       "       mskwl   %2,%5,%2\n"
+       "       or      %1,%2,%2\n"
+       "       stq_c   %2,0(%4)\n"
+       "       beq     %2,3f\n"
+       "2:\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "3:     br      1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r" (prev), "=&r" (new), "=&r" (tmp), "=&r" (cmp), "=&r" (addr64)
+       : "r" ((long)m), "Ir" (old), "1" (new) : "memory");
+       return prev;
+static inline unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_u32_local(volatile int *m, int old, int new)
+       unsigned long prev, cmp;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "1:     ldl_l %0,%5\n"
+       "       cmpeq %0,%3,%1\n"
+       "       beq %1,2f\n"
+       "       mov %4,%1\n"
+       "       stl_c %1,%2\n"
+       "       beq %1,3f\n"
+       "2:\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "3:     br 1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r"(prev), "=&r"(cmp), "=m"(*m)
+       : "r"((long) old), "r"(new), "m"(*m) : "memory");
+       return prev;
+static inline unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_u64_local(volatile long *m, unsigned long old, unsigned long new)
+       unsigned long prev, cmp;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+       "1:     ldq_l %0,%5\n"
+       "       cmpeq %0,%3,%1\n"
+       "       beq %1,2f\n"
+       "       mov %4,%1\n"
+       "       stq_c %1,%2\n"
+       "       beq %1,3f\n"
+       "2:\n"
+       ".subsection 2\n"
+       "3:     br 1b\n"
+       ".previous"
+       : "=&r"(prev), "=&r"(cmp), "=m"(*m)
+       : "r"((long) old), "r"(new), "m"(*m) : "memory");
+       return prev;
+static __always_inline unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_local(volatile void *ptr, unsigned long old, unsigned long new,
+               int size)
+       switch (size) {
+               case 1:
+                       return __cmpxchg_u8_local(ptr, old, new);
+               case 2:
+                       return __cmpxchg_u16_local(ptr, old, new);
+               case 4:
+                       return __cmpxchg_u32_local(ptr, old, new);
+               case 8:
+                       return __cmpxchg_u64_local(ptr, old, new);
+       }
+       __cmpxchg_called_with_bad_pointer();
+       return old;
+#define cmpxchg_local(ptr,o,n)                                          \
+  ({                                                                    \
+     __typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);                                      \
+     __typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);                                      \
+     (__typeof__(*(ptr))) __cmpxchg_local((ptr), (unsigned long)_o_,    \
+                                   (unsigned long)_n_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+  })
 #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
 #define arch_align_stack(x) (x)
--- a/include/asm-arm/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-arm/atomic.h
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ static inline int atomic_add_unless(atom
                c = old;
        return c != u;
 #define atomic_inc_not_zero(v) atomic_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 #define atomic_add(i, v)       (void) atomic_add_return(i, v)
--- a/include/asm-generic/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-generic/atomic.h
@@ -66,6 +66,76 @@ static inline void atomic_long_sub(long 
        atomic64_sub(i, v);
+static inline int atomic_long_sub_and_test(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_sub_and_test(i, v);
+static inline int atomic_long_dec_and_test(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_dec_and_test(v);
+static inline int atomic_long_inc_and_test(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_inc_and_test(v);
+static inline int atomic_long_add_negative(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_add_negative(i, v);
+static inline long atomic_long_add_return(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_add_return(i, v);
+static inline long atomic_long_sub_return(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_sub_return(i, v);
+static inline long atomic_long_inc_return(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_inc_return(v);
+static inline long atomic_long_dec_return(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_dec_return(v);
+static inline long atomic_long_add_unless(atomic_long_t *l, long a, long u)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_add_unless(v, a, u);
+static inline long atomic_long_inc_not_zero(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic64_t *v = (atomic64_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic64_inc_not_zero(v);
 typedef atomic_t atomic_long_t;
@@ -113,5 +183,80 @@ static inline void atomic_long_sub(long 
        atomic_sub(i, v);
+static inline int atomic_long_sub_and_test(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return atomic_sub_and_test(i, v);
+static inline int atomic_long_dec_and_test(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return atomic_dec_and_test(v);
+static inline int atomic_long_inc_and_test(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return atomic_inc_and_test(v);
+static inline int atomic_long_add_negative(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return atomic_add_negative(i, v);
+static inline long atomic_long_add_return(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic_add_return(i, v);
+static inline long atomic_long_sub_return(long i, atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic_sub_return(i, v);
+static inline long atomic_long_inc_return(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic_inc_return(v);
+static inline long atomic_long_dec_return(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic_dec_return(v);
+static inline long atomic_long_add_unless(atomic_long_t *l, long a, long u)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic_add_unless(v, a, u);
+static inline long atomic_long_inc_not_zero(atomic_long_t *l)
+       atomic_t *v = (atomic_t *)l;
+       return (long)atomic_inc_not_zero(v);
+#define atomic_long_cmpxchg(l, old, new) \
+       ((long)cmpxchg(&((l)->counter), (old), (new)))
+#define atomic_long_xchg(l, new) (xchg(&((l)->counter), (new)))
--- a/include/asm-i386/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-i386/atomic.h
@@ -207,8 +207,9 @@ static __inline__ int atomic_sub_return(
        return atomic_add_return(-i,v);
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, new) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
-#define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, new) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (old), (new)))
+#define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), (new)))
  * atomic_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)-
 #define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u)                             \
 ({                                                             \
-       int c, old;                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
        c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
        for (;;) {                                              \
                if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
--- a/include/asm-i386/system.h
+++ b/include/asm-i386/system.h
@@ -267,6 +267,9 @@ #define __HAVE_ARCH_CMPXCHG 1
 #define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)\
        ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr),(unsigned long)(o),\
                                        (unsigned long)(n),sizeof(*(ptr))))
+#define cmpxchg_local(ptr,o,n)\
+       ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg_local((ptr),(unsigned long)(o),\
+                                       (unsigned long)(n),sizeof(*(ptr))))
 static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg(volatile void *ptr, unsigned long old,
@@ -296,6 +299,33 @@ static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg(vo
        return old;
+static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg_local(volatile void *ptr,
+                       unsigned long old, unsigned long new, int size)
+       unsigned long prev;
+       switch (size) {
+       case 1:
+               __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchgb %b1,%2"
+                                    : "=a"(prev)
+                                    : "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+                                    : "memory");
+               return prev;
+       case 2:
+               __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchgw %w1,%2"
+                                    : "=a"(prev)
+                                    : "r"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+                                    : "memory");
+               return prev;
+       case 4:
+               __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchgl %1,%2"
+                                    : "=a"(prev)
+                                    : "r"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+                                    : "memory");
+               return prev;
+       }
+       return old;
  * Building a kernel capable running on 80386. It may be necessary to
@@ -332,6 +362,17 @@ ({                                                         
                                        (unsigned long)(n), sizeof(*(ptr))); \
        __ret;                                                          \
+#define cmpxchg_local(ptr,o,n)                                         \
+({                                                                     \
+       __typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;                                       \
+       if (likely(boot_cpu_data.x86 > 3))                              \
+               __ret = __cmpxchg_local((ptr), (unsigned long)(o),      \
+                                       (unsigned long)(n), sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+       else                                                            \
+               __ret = cmpxchg_386((ptr), (unsigned long)(o),          \
+                                       (unsigned long)(n), sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+       __ret;                                                          \
 #ifdef CONFIG_X86_CMPXCHG64
@@ -350,10 +391,26 @@ static inline unsigned long long __cmpxc
        return prev;
+static inline unsigned long long __cmpxchg64_local(volatile void *ptr,
+                       unsigned long long old, unsigned long long new)
+       unsigned long long prev;
+       __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchg8b %3"
+                            : "=A"(prev)
+                            : "b"((unsigned long)new),
+                              "c"((unsigned long)(new >> 32)),
+                              "m"(*__xg(ptr)),
+                              "0"(old)
+                            : "memory");
+       return prev;
 #define cmpxchg64(ptr,o,n)\
        ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg64((ptr),(unsigned long long)(o),\
                                        (unsigned long long)(n)))
+#define cmpxchg64_local(ptr,o,n)\
+       ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg64_local((ptr),(unsigned long long)(o),\
+                                       (unsigned long long)(n)))
--- a/include/asm-ia64/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-ia64/atomic.h
@@ -88,12 +88,17 @@ ia64_atomic64_sub (__s64 i, atomic64_t *
        return new;
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, new) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, new) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
 #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+#define atomic64_cmpxchg(v, old, new) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
+#define atomic64_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
 #define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u)                             \
 ({                                                             \
-       int c, old;                                             \
+       __typeof__(v->counter) c, old;                          \
        c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
        for (;;) {                                              \
                if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
@@ -107,6 +112,22 @@ ({                                                         
 #define atomic_inc_not_zero(v) atomic_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
+#define atomic64_add_unless(v, a, u)                           \
+({                                                             \
+       __typeof__(v->counter) c, old;                          \
+       c = atomic64_read(v);                                   \
+       for (;;) {                                              \
+               if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
+                       break;                                  \
+               old = atomic64_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a));        \
+               if (likely(old == c))                           \
+                       break;                                  \
+               c = old;                                        \
+       }                                                       \
+       c != (u);                                               \
+#define atomic64_inc_not_zero(v) atomic64_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 #define atomic_add_return(i,v)                                         \
 ({                                                                     \
        int __ia64_aar_i = (i);                                         \
--- a/include/asm-mips/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-mips/atomic.h
@@ -292,8 +292,9 @@ static __inline__ int atomic_sub_if_posi
        return result;
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
-#define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       (((__typeof__((v)->counter)))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), (new)))
  * atomic_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
@@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)-
 #define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u)                             \
 ({                                                             \
-       int c, old;                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
        c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
        while (c != (u) && (old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a))) != c) \
                c = old;                                        \
@@ -646,6 +647,29 @@ static __inline__ long atomic64_sub_if_p
        return result;
+#define atomic64_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       (((__typeof__((v)->counter)))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic64_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), (new)))
+ * atomic64_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic64_t
+ * @a: the amount to add to v...
+ * @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
+ *
+ * Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as it was not @u.
+ * Returns non-zero if @v was not @u, and zero otherwise.
+ */
+#define atomic64_add_unless(v, a, u)                           \
+({                                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
+       c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
+       while (c != (u) && (old = atomic64_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a))) != c) \
+               c = old;                                        \
+       c != (u);                                               \
+#define atomic64_inc_not_zero(v) atomic64_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 #define atomic64_dec_return(v) atomic64_sub_return(1,(v))
 #define atomic64_inc_return(v) atomic64_add_return(1,(v))
--- a/include/asm-parisc/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-parisc/atomic.h
@@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ static __inline__ int atomic_read(const 
 /* exported interface */
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
 #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)-
 #define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u)                             \
 ({                                                             \
-       int c, old;                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                                        
        c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
        while (c != (u) && (old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a))) != c) \
                c = old;                                        \
@@ -270,6 +271,31 @@ #define atomic64_inc_and_test(v)   (atomi
 #define atomic64_dec_and_test(v)       (atomic64_dec_return(v) == 0)
 #define atomic64_sub_and_test(i,v)     (atomic64_sub_return((i),(v)) == 0)
+/* exported interface */
+#define atomic64_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic64_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+ * atomic64_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic64_t
+ * @a: the amount to add to v...
+ * @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
+ *
+ * Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as it was not @u.
+ * Returns non-zero if @v was not @u, and zero otherwise.
+ */
+#define atomic64_add_unless(v, a, u)                           \
+({                                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                                        
+       c = atomic64_read(v);                                   \
+       while (c != (u) && (old = atomic64_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a))) != c) \
+               c = old;                                        \
+       c != (u);                                               \
+#define atomic64_inc_not_zero(v) atomic64_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 #endif /* __LP64__ */
 #include <asm-generic/atomic.h>
--- a/include/asm-powerpc/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-powerpc/atomic.h
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ static __inline__ int atomic_dec_return(
        return t;
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
 #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
@@ -411,6 +412,44 @@ static __inline__ long atomic64_dec_if_p
        return t;
+#define atomic64_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic64_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+ * atomic64_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic64_t
+ * @a: the amount to add to v...
+ * @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
+ *
+ * Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as it was not @u.
+ * Returns non-zero if @v was not @u, and zero otherwise.
+ */
+static __inline__ int atomic64_add_unless(atomic64_t *v, long a, long u)
+       long t;
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+"1:    ldarx   %0,0,%1         # atomic_add_unless\n\
+       cmpd    0,%0,%3 \n\
+       beq-    2f \n\
+       add     %0,%2,%0 \n"
+       PPC405_ERR77(0,%2)
+"      stdcx.  %0,0,%1 \n\
+       bne-    1b \n"
+       ISYNC_ON_SMP
+"      subf    %0,%2,%0 \n\
+       : "=&r" (t)
+       : "r" (&v->counter), "r" (a), "r" (u)
+       : "cc", "memory");
+       return t != u;
+#define atomic64_inc_not_zero(v) atomic64_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 #endif /* __powerpc64__ */
 #include <asm-generic/atomic.h>
--- a/include/asm-powerpc/system.h
+++ b/include/asm-powerpc/system.h
@@ -235,6 +235,29 @@ __xchg_u32(volatile void *p, unsigned lo
        return prev;
+ * Atomic exchange
+ *
+ * Changes the memory location '*ptr' to be val and returns
+ * the previous value stored there.
+ */
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+__xchg_u32_local(volatile void *p, unsigned long val)
+       unsigned long prev;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+"1:    lwarx   %0,0,%2 \n"
+       PPC405_ERR77(0,%2)
+"      stwcx.  %3,0,%2 \n\
+       bne-    1b"
+       : "=&r" (prev), "+m" (*(volatile unsigned int *)p)
+       : "r" (p), "r" (val)
+       : "cc", "memory");
+       return prev;
 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
 static __inline__ unsigned long
 __xchg_u64(volatile void *p, unsigned long val)
@@ -254,6 +277,23 @@ __xchg_u64(volatile void *p, unsigned lo
        return prev;
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+__xchg_u64_local(volatile void *p, unsigned long val)
+       unsigned long prev;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+"1:    ldarx   %0,0,%2 \n"
+       PPC405_ERR77(0,%2)
+"      stdcx.  %3,0,%2 \n\
+       bne-    1b"
+       : "=&r" (prev), "+m" (*(volatile unsigned long *)p)
+       : "r" (p), "r" (val)
+       : "cc", "memory");
+       return prev;
@@ -277,12 +317,33 @@ #endif
        return x;
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+__xchg_local(volatile void *ptr, unsigned long x, unsigned int size)
+       switch (size) {
+       case 4:
+               return __xchg_u32_local(ptr, x);
+#ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
+       case 8:
+               return __xchg_u64_local(ptr, x);
+       }
+       __xchg_called_with_bad_pointer();
+       return x;
 #define xchg(ptr,x)                                                         \
   ({                                                                        \
      __typeof__(*(ptr)) _x_ = (x);                                          \
      (__typeof__(*(ptr))) __xchg((ptr), (unsigned long)_x_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+#define xchg_local(ptr,x)                                                   \
+  ({                                                                        \
+     __typeof__(*(ptr)) _x_ = (x);                                          \
+     (__typeof__(*(ptr))) __xchg_local((ptr),                               \
+               (unsigned long)_x_, sizeof(*(ptr)));                         \
+  })
 #define tas(ptr) (xchg((ptr),1))
@@ -314,6 +375,28 @@ __cmpxchg_u32(volatile unsigned int *p, 
        return prev;
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_u32_local(volatile unsigned int *p, unsigned long old,
+                       unsigned long new)
+       unsigned int prev;
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+"1:    lwarx   %0,0,%2         # __cmpxchg_u32\n\
+       cmpw    0,%0,%3\n\
+       bne-    2f\n"
+       PPC405_ERR77(0,%2)
+"      stwcx.  %4,0,%2\n\
+       bne-    1b"
+       "\n\
+       : "=&r" (prev), "+m" (*p)
+       : "r" (p), "r" (old), "r" (new)
+       : "cc", "memory");
+       return prev;
 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
 static __inline__ unsigned long
 __cmpxchg_u64(volatile unsigned long *p, unsigned long old, unsigned long new)
@@ -336,6 +419,27 @@ __cmpxchg_u64(volatile unsigned long *p,
        return prev;
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_u64_local(volatile unsigned long *p, unsigned long old,
+                       unsigned long new)
+       unsigned long prev;
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+"1:    ldarx   %0,0,%2         # __cmpxchg_u64\n\
+       cmpd    0,%0,%3\n\
+       bne-    2f\n\
+       stdcx.  %4,0,%2\n\
+       bne-    1b"
+       "\n\
+       : "=&r" (prev), "+m" (*p)
+       : "r" (p), "r" (old), "r" (new)
+       : "cc", "memory");
+       return prev;
 /* This function doesn't exist, so you'll get a linker error
@@ -358,6 +462,22 @@ #endif
        return old;
+static __inline__ unsigned long
+__cmpxchg_local(volatile void *ptr, unsigned long old, unsigned long new,
+         unsigned int size)
+       switch (size) {
+       case 4:
+               return __cmpxchg_u32_local(ptr, old, new);
+#ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
+       case 8:
+               return __cmpxchg_u64_local(ptr, old, new);
+       }
+       __cmpxchg_called_with_bad_pointer();
+       return old;
 #define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)                                                \
   ({                                                                    \
      __typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);                                      \
@@ -366,6 +486,15 @@ #define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)                                   
                                    (unsigned long)_n_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+#define cmpxchg_local(ptr,o,n)                                          \
+  ({                                                                    \
+     __typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);                                      \
+     __typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);                                      \
+     (__typeof__(*(ptr))) __cmpxchg_local((ptr), (unsigned long)_o_,    \
+                                   (unsigned long)_n_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
+  })
 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC64
  * We handle most unaligned accesses in hardware. On the other hand 
--- a/include/asm-sparc64/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-sparc64/atomic.h
@@ -70,12 +70,13 @@ #define atomic64_dec(v) atomic64_sub(1, 
 #define atomic_add_negative(i, v) (atomic_add_ret(i, v) < 0)
 #define atomic64_add_negative(i, v) (atomic64_add_ret(i, v) < 0)
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
 #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
 #define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u)                             \
 ({                                                             \
-       int c, old;                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
        c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
        for (;;) {                                              \
                if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
@@ -89,6 +90,26 @@ ({                                                           
 #define atomic_inc_not_zero(v) atomic_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
+#define atomic64_cmpxchg(v, o, n) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), (o), (n)))
+#define atomic64_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+#define atomic64_add_unless(v, a, u)                           \
+({                                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
+       c = atomic64_read(v);                                   \
+       for (;;) {                                              \
+               if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
+                       break;                                  \
+               old = atomic64_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a));        \
+               if (likely(old == c))                           \
+                       break;                                  \
+               c = old;                                        \
+       }                                                       \
+       likely(c != (u));                                       \
+#define atomic64_inc_not_zero(v) atomic64_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 /* Atomic operations are already serializing */
 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
 #define smp_mb__before_atomic_dec()    membar_storeload_loadload();
--- a/include/asm-x86_64/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-x86_64/atomic.h
@@ -388,7 +388,12 @@ static __inline__ long atomic64_sub_retu
 #define atomic64_inc_return(v)  (atomic64_add_return(1,v))
 #define atomic64_dec_return(v)  (atomic64_sub_return(1,v))
-#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, new) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
+#define atomic64_cmpxchg(v, old, new) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
+#define atomic64_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
+#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, new) \
+       ((__typeof__((v)->counter))cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, new))
 #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)->counter), new))
@@ -402,7 +407,7 @@ #define atomic_xchg(v, new) (xchg(&((v)-
 #define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u)                             \
 ({                                                             \
-       int c, old;                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
        c = atomic_read(v);                                     \
        for (;;) {                                              \
                if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
@@ -416,6 +421,31 @@ ({                                                         
 #define atomic_inc_not_zero(v) atomic_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
+ * atomic64_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic64_t
+ * @a: the amount to add to v...
+ * @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
+ *
+ * Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as it was not @u.
+ * Returns non-zero if @v was not @u, and zero otherwise.
+ */
+#define atomic64_add_unless(v, a, u)                           \
+({                                                             \
+       __typeof__((v)->counter) c, old;                        \
+       c = atomic64_read(v);                                   \
+       for (;;) {                                              \
+               if (unlikely(c == (u)))                         \
+                       break;                                  \
+               old = atomic64_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a));        \
+               if (likely(old == c))                           \
+                       break;                                  \
+               c = old;                                        \
+       }                                                       \
+       c != (u);                                               \
+#define atomic64_inc_not_zero(v) atomic64_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
 /* These are x86-specific, used by some header files */
 #define atomic_clear_mask(mask, addr) \
 __asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "andl %0,%1" \
--- a/include/asm-x86_64/system.h
+++ b/include/asm-x86_64/system.h
@@ -208,9 +208,45 @@ static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg(vo
        return old;
+static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg_local(volatile void *ptr,
+                       unsigned long old, unsigned long new, int size)
+       unsigned long prev;
+       switch (size) {
+       case 1:
+               __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchgb %b1,%2"
+                                    : "=a"(prev)
+                                    : "q"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+                                    : "memory");
+               return prev;
+       case 2:
+               __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchgw %w1,%2"
+                                    : "=a"(prev)
+                                    : "r"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+                                    : "memory");
+               return prev;
+       case 4:
+               __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchgl %k1,%2"
+                                    : "=a"(prev)
+                                    : "r"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+                                    : "memory");
+               return prev;
+       case 8:
+               __asm__ __volatile__("cmpxchgq %1,%2"
+                                    : "=a"(prev)
+                                    : "r"(new), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
+                                    : "memory");
+               return prev;
+       }
+       return old;
 #define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)\
        ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr),(unsigned long)(o),\
                                        (unsigned long)(n),sizeof(*(ptr))))
+#define cmpxchg_local(ptr,o,n)\
+       ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr),(unsigned long)(o),\
+                                       (unsigned long)(n),sizeof(*(ptr))))
 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
 #define smp_mb()       mb()

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