In the words of Barry K. Nathan :
> > Why they didn't call it K6-4 is anyones guess.
> I read somewhere (I don't have a URL handy, sorry) that the reason AMD
> went with K6-2+ is that, apparently, the K6-2 name is well-known, and
> they wanted to build on that...
Sounds like a marketing thing.
Not really an excuse imo. The "Oh, K6-4. I must upgrade" brigade would've
justified the name for more than confusing people. At least K6-2+
is mostly used in laptops from what I've seen, so the confusion is
Maybe there just wasn't enough architectural difference between the
K6-3 & the K6-2+ to justify calling it the K6-4. AFAIR, the powersaving
speed changing is the only thing thats changed.
I'm buying a K6-2+ laptop tomorrow, so I guess I'll find out more then :)
| Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| SuSE Labs
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