Hi, i got the following oops, to obtain it i've done something stupid:
i'm using quite frequently a serial console, today my computer was
already running,
i've unplugged the serial console and have plugged a modem instead, and
then the oops.
That's not really a bad oops as it takes me 20 minutes to figure. I'd
rather say that it's me
who is stupid, but may my stupidy lead to an oops ?

Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: NMI Watchdog detected LOCKUP on CPU1,
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: CPU:    1
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: EIP:    0010:[serial_in+55/60]
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: EFLAGS: 00200002
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: eax: 00000301   ebx: 000a535f   ecx:
0000001e   edx: 000003fd
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: esi: c026e34b   edi: c027fa80   ebp:
c026e34c   esp: c4001f54
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: Process cc1 (pid: 2247,
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: Stack: c01788b8 c027fa80 00000005 c0226700
0000001b c026e346 c026e361 00000006
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel:        00000005 c0119053 c0226700 c026e346
0000001b 00000000 0000002c ffffffff
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel:        0862b138 00200082 00000001 c026e361
0000001e c01114bf c01e74a0 00000001
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: Call Trace: [serial_console_write+92/308]
[printk+291/368] [smp_error_interrupt+67/72]
[call_spurious_interrupt+12800/31336] [call_error_interrupt+5/12]
Oct 22 18:23:33 Djinn kernel: Code: 0f b6 c0 c3 90 53 8b 54 24 08 8b 44
24 0c 8b 5c 24 10 83 7a
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386

Code;  00000000 Before first symbol
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  00000000 Before first symbol
   0:   0f b6 c0                  movzbl %al,%eax
Code;  00000003 Before first symbol
   3:   c3                        ret
Code;  00000004 Before first symbol
   4:   90                        nop
Code;  00000005 Before first symbol
   5:   53                        push   %ebx
Code;  00000006 Before first symbol
   6:   8b 54 24 08               mov    0x8(%esp,1),%edx
Code;  0000000a Before first symbol
   a:   8b 44 24 0c               mov    0xc(%esp,1),%eax
Code;  0000000e Before first symbol
   e:   8b 5c 24 10               mov    0x10(%esp,1),%ebx
Code;  00000012 Before first symbol
  12:   83 7a 00 00               cmpl   $0x0,0x0(%edx)

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