It's not a fault of kernel, it's just a mistake.
you should use
for(i=0 to 9)
pAddr[10] only has a range of 0 to 9.
miic> f_malloc()
miic> {
miic> .....
miic> for (i=1 to 10)
miic> {
miic> size = 1000;
miic> pAddr[i] = (unsigned long) kmalloc(size, GFP_DMA | GFP_BUFFER);
miic> }
miic> ...
miic> }
miic> and freeing the allocated memory as follows
miic> f_free()
miic> {
miic> .....
miic> for (i=1 to 10)
miic> {
miic> kfree(pAddr[i]);
miic> }
miic> }
miic> pAddr is defined as 'unsigned long pAddr[10]'
miic> But when f_free executes i ran into problems and computer hangs.
miic> What can be the problem?????
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