Horst von Brand wrote:

> FORT David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > I totally agree, I'm really wondering if the current API would allow to
> > create a tree which would contain only files needed on
> > machine..... Typically i never use sparc or mips file in kernel
> > compilation. I'm dreaming of a day when i could download these different
> > parts:
> >     Kernel core source
> >     x86 specific part
> >     any driver i need
> Dream on, as it won't happen. Just think of either:
> - All pieces _have_ to be the same version: What is the use then? Just ship
>   them together and be done. Splitting it up is extra work, plus the
>   complaints that core-2.8.3 now doesn't work with ia32-2.6.9 and foo, bar,
>   baz drivers of assorted other versions.
> - You can mix and match: Great! Just who will do the testing and documentation
>   of what works with what?
> Major pain and much extra work to developers (remember, Linux' objective is
> being fun to hack on, the "World domination. Fast." thing is just FUD ;)
> for minor convenience to some users and major pain to all the rest.

Isn't it what API have been made for ? I think nobody would complain if  "being
fun to hack on(TM)" could
also be "Fast developped(TM)". Anyway the developpement of the kernel is already
modular, as teams are working
quite independantly, and send theirs diff when a release is about to come. I take
a simple example: i got an USB webcam which stopped working at test9-pre2, I'd
like to have a  2.4.0test10-pre3 kernel but with the last
working USB.

> > A few tar -xvzf later i'd got a working kernel, with no space lost on my
> > HD.
> Have you really looked at the size of the other architectures? Here I have
> 2.2.18pre15:
> arch + include/asm-*: 14929
> All                 : 88121
> A 16% of the total is architecture-dependent. Sure, much of the drivers you
> don't use. But then again, how much did your HDD cost? How much for the
> space the sources take up? How much did the sources cost you?
> --
> Horst von Brand                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Casilla 9G, Vin~a del Mar, Chile                               +56 32 672616

I've got a quick look, at my own tree and i've figured that arch-dependant is
really small compared to FS or

% FORT David,                                                             %
% 7 avenue de la morvandière                                   0240726275 %
% 44470 Thouare, France                                [EMAIL PROTECTED] %
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