I'm progressing on the GPL license "wording" fixes however the patch files are > 150k and likely will get larger as I hand fine tune things to keep things neat. What is the preferred method of doing this? Would one big "fix all license statements" patch be preferred, or multiple "fix this little bit", "fix that little bit" patches be preferred? What is the largest size patch I should post here, and to others, and also, should I go one subsys at a time, and send patches to individual maintainers also? It could be a lot of work to do all that, so I'd prefer to have one big patch, or a few smaller ones, and just submit to Linus/Alan if possible. So far, here is a crappy perl script which is doing a good job so far albeit slow, please feel free to optimize this or add stuff to it: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use diagnostics; my(@filelist, $file); print "$ARGV[0]\n"; @filelist = (`grep -irl "GNU Public Licen[cs]e" $ARGV[0]`); foreach $file (@filelist) { chomp $file; rename("$file", "${file}.orig"); print("Processing: $file\n"); open(INFILE, "<${file}.orig") or die("Can't open ${file}.orig\n"); open(OUTFILE, ">${file}") or die("Can't open ${file}\n"); while(<INFILE>) { s/GNU Public Licen[cs]e/GNU General Public License/gi; print(OUTFILE); } close(OUTFILE); close(INFILE); } Again, after running gendiff, this spit out a patch: -rw-rw---- 1 mharris 173980 Oct 17 06:58 patch-gpl1-2.4.0test9.diff Feel free to send any suggestions, ideas, comments, flames, money, dancing girls, computer parts, etc.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike A. Harris - Linux advocate - Open source advocate Computer Consultant - Capslock Consulting Copyright 2000 all rights reserved ---------------------------------------------------------------------- So, if anybody wants to have free hardware sent to them, don't call me, but instead write your own operating system. It has worked every time for me. Linus Torvalds - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/