i've just borrowed an ATI Rage Fury(AGP) which support DRI, i also have an older Matrox Mystique which
also support DRI. When starting an X server using both cards, i can see TWO /proc/dri directories. In the
/proc/dri directory there's a 0 subdir, i think in normal situation i should have a 0 and a 1 directory instead of
two dri ones.
% FORT David,                                                             %
% 7 avenue de la morvandière                                   0240726275 %
% 44470 Thouare, France                                [EMAIL PROTECTED] %
% ICU:78064991   AIM: enlighted popo             [EMAIL PROTECTED] %
%  -datamining <-/                        |   .~.                         %
%  -networking/flashed PHP3 coming soon   |   /V\        L  I  N  U  X    %
%  -opensource                            |  // \\     >Fear the Penguin< %
%  -GNOME/enlightenment/GIMP              | /(   )\                       %
%           feel enlighted....            |  ^^-^^                        %
%                           http://ibonneace.dnsalias.org/ when connected %

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