On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Henner Eisen wrote:

> Yes, a) that would make life much simpler for driver writers (but more
> difficult for you ;). If it is doable without adding overhead to the
> general path, it would be nice to provide that semantics to HW_FLOWCONTROLed
> devices.

There would be a minute overhead. But i guess let me release the patch
first then we can continue this part of the conversation. 

> However, even with a), after being HW-flow-controlled and setting rx_busy
> condition, there could still arrive some more packets until the send window
> is full. They either need to be discarded at once or queued somewhere else.
> If we donīt want to discard them, you need to accept packets up
> to the window size from a device after it has been HW flow conrolled.

Hmm.. More complexity ;->
Does X.25 mandate you accept all the window? Can you stop mid-window and
claim there is congestion? (maybe time to dust off some books).


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