"J. Dow" wrote:
> Jeff et al who might prefer a kernel debugger,
> One should note that when a person or critter is backed into a corner
> and pressured hard enough that he makes an "over my dead body"
> level statement more pressure is likely to solidify the position rather
> than change it. In the case of a critter it is tied up with survival. With a
> person it is often tied up with "face". At this point Linus has been led
> to making a very strong negative comment about kernel debuggers.
> He is pretty much in a position now that "demands" he not change that
> opinion lest he appear to be a weak leader. We were all foolish to
> back him into a corner.
> I see an image of a penguin. He is wearing a bandana around his
> forehead and cammie's for clothes. He is armed with an impressive
> array of things which carve and cut and things which go bang and
> boom and make holes in other things. He is glariing over the top of
> a foxhole filled with even more such tools screaming, "You'll have that
> kernel debugger in my main Linux build over my cold dead body!"
> Now, who makes the cartoon for that one? (And if the penguin had
> a superficial resemblance to Linus it'd be DELIGHTFUL!)
I think Linus statements are sincere about his development philosophy,
and I have a hard time accepting this characterization of his motives.
>From what I have heard from several folks who have worked with him for
many years, he has espoused this view relative to kernel debuggers for a
long time.
> {^_-} Joanne "A crazed maniac herself" Dow, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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