The October 2000 Kernel Wiki Challenge is ...

"The most misunderstood part about ____ in Linux 2.4 is ____"

1) Fill in the blanks, short and sweet, in your own words.

2) Go to find
   the appropriate subsection of the Wiki covering your area of

3) Click the "Edit this Page" link

4) Plunk your October KernelWiki response into the text box.

5) Click "Save" and get back to your happy hacking.

It's painless. All I want is 10 minutes of your time.  You know you
know the answers, and if you don't, you know the proper questions to
ask. I don't know how I can make it any easier.  10 minutes, 15 tops.

No excuses. _Everyone_ has that kind of time to spare for Linux
documentation. There are hundreds of competent engineers active on
this mailing list. One day's worth of our collective linux-kernel
effort, focussed precisely on illuminating some part of the code,
would complete several chapters of text. A week's worth would fill
a thousand pages.

        If everyone gives just _10_ _minutes_ a month, 
        we can _completely_ document 2.4 by groundhog day.

What do you win?  Do it right, and you might cause that "transmission
of light" that nets you some assistance in your kernel hacking.

WARNING: I am going to persist in nagging you to participate, but no
more than once a month ;) Put me in your kill file if you will but if
KernelWiki is ignored or abused, it dies. 

I leave it at the mercy of the court.

If you have more than 15 minutes to spare and you are interested in what
it is that I'm up to with this Wiki thing, you are invited to read

Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  TeleDynamics Communications Inc
Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems:
"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers."(Pablo Picasso)

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