Forgive me if this has been asked before, but has there ever been any
thought of having a 'nice' value for disk accesses?.  I was on a
server with 4 CPU's but only 2 SCSI disks.  Many times I'll see 4 processes
on disk wait, 3 of them at a cpu-nice of 19 while the foreground processes
get bogged down by the lower priority processes due to disk contention.

I've also thought before a simple 'netnice' would be good as well -- real
nice and easy to use, lets see:
nice <number>| -p <cpunice> , -d <disknice>, -n <netnice, -a <all nice>

Just wondering...

L A Walsh                        | Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      | Voice/Vmail: (650) 933-5338

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