> It has been confirmed on two more laptops, one lkml post and another
> laptop here. But if we tested every driver change on every supported
> hardware model, progress would never occur.
Few other drivers have the potential to turn a perfectly functioning £3000
laptop into a useless heap of plastic and metal in less than a millisecond.
I have six different Toshiba's to hand and had intended to test my 2.4 patch
on all of them before submitting my 2.4 version of the driver.
> My patch is 100% bug fixes, and doesn't change hardware interaction
> one bit, so I don't think there is a problem. If you see a change in
> my patch that changes any behavior at all, please speak up :)
Indeed apart from the #ifdef's I was using your patch is essentially
> By the way, you are motivated you can ioremap/read[bw]/iounmap,
> instead of using isa_read[bw]...
Is there any specific advantage, it's only used to grab some BIOS info
during the driver load.
> Also, your driver needs the release_region bugfix I applied to 2.4.x.
When I wrote the driver the intention was to be nice and claim and release
my ports properly. The problem is other drivers are claiming ports that
are not there's to claim. For example on the machine I am typing this
port 0xb2 is claimed by pic2. Now in reality pic2 can never be using port
0xb2 as this would reek havoc on Toshiba laptops, and a normal Linux kernel
does not have problems that would be evident if it was using port 0xb2.
I suppose the question is why is the pic2 driver claiming ports that are
not it's to claim. The same goes for the keyboard driver as well.
Give this the code to claim and release ports is in a sort of limbo until
I could figure out what the right thing to do was.
Jonathan A. Buzzard Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Northumberland, United Kingdom. Tel: +44(0)1661-832195
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