Hey LIRCers,

I figured out the magic needed to get LIRC to recognize my Prolink PixelView
PlayTV PAK card (in fact it is a Lenco MXTV 9578 CP, which is a rebranded
version of said card). I also added this card to bttv, for which I sent a patch
to linux-kernel and the bttv-developers (and I CC'd you too...). It is bttv
card number 50 after applying my patch. With this patch, you can use all
functions on the remote using the existing pixelview playtv pro configuration
file. You might want to add 'playtv pak' to the list of supported cards for
that config file.

I also patched the acconfig.h file so it defines the correct device name when
using devfs. Without this patch, lircd will die when a client tries to attach
since it can not open the /dev/lirc device (which is a DIRECTORY when devfs is
active...). The patch is somewhat hackish, since it hard-codes the first LIRC
device (/dev/lirc/0). It would be better to make this a command line option for

BTW, I CC'd this to the linux-kernel list since it relies on a patch to bttv
which I also sent to that list. If that patch is not applied, this one will not
work (it will complain about an unsupported card).

Without further ado, here's the patch (to the current == Wed Sep 27 15:18:30
CEST 2000 CVS version):

diff --recursive -c lirc.org/acconfig.h lirc/acconfig.h
*** lirc.org/acconfig.h Wed Sep 27 15:09:28 2000
--- lirc/acconfig.h     Wed Sep 27 15:11:20 2000
*** 128,134 ****
   * compatibility and useability defines
  #define LIRCD                 DEVDIR "/" DEV_LIRCD
  #define LIRCM                 DEVDIR "/" DEV_LIRCM
--- 128,138 ----
   * compatibility and useability defines
! #else
! #endif /* LIRC_HAVE_DEVFS */
  #define LIRCD                 DEVDIR "/" DEV_LIRCD
  #define LIRCM                 DEVDIR "/" DEV_LIRCM
diff --recursive -c lirc.org/drivers/lirc_gpio/lirc_gpio_p.c 
*** lirc.org/drivers/lirc_gpio/lirc_gpio_p.c    Wed Sep 27 15:09:28 2000
--- lirc/drivers/lirc_gpio/lirc_gpio_p.c        Wed Sep 27 15:10:59 2000
*** 63,68 ****
--- 63,69 ----
  static struct rcv_info rcv_infos[] = {
        {BTTV_UNKNOWN,                0,          0,         0,          0,   0,  1,  
+       {BTTV_PXELVWPLTVPAK, 0x00003e00,          0, 0x0010000,          0,   0, 15,  
        {BTTV_PXELVWPLTVPRO, 0x00001f00,          0, 0x0008000,          0, 500, 12,  
        {BTTV_AVERMEDIA,     0x00f88000,          0, 0x0010000, 0x00010000,   0, 10,  
        {BTTV_AVPHONE98,     0x00f88000,          0, 0x0010000, 0x00010000,   0, 10, 

  WWWWW      _______________________
 ## o o\    /     Frank de Lange     \
 }#   \|   /                          \
  ##---# _/     <Hacker for Hire>      \
   ####   \      +31-320-252965        /
           \    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    /
 [ Hacker: http://www.jargon.org/html/entry/hacker.html ]
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