David Ford wrote:

> safemode wrote:
> > xawtv will still work but gqmpeg cannot run.   shget returns no memory
> > available on any app trying to access it.   Well, hope that tells
> > someone something because i'm stumped ..  something in shm seems
> > broken..  or the vm is.
> what does 'ipcs' show?  a huge list or a lot of large segments?  how about
> 'df' if you have shmfs mounted.  the 'used' part should match the tally of
> ipcs.
> -d

my first post shows what df says ..but here it is again
ipcs shows A VERY HUGE LIST...  ending with this

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key       semid     owner     perms     nsems     status

------ Message Queues --------
key       msqid     owner     perms     used-bytes  messages

yes, they are empty...  is this a problem too?

df shows
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
shm                    8388608    109448   8279160   2% /var/shm

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