I'm seeing something very similar to this on test8 with my root partition.
umount reports device is busy at shutdown. This is an IDE device.
I'm using a x86 system based on RH6.2 with a few upgrades (modutils, etc).
On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 01:17:11PM -1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> I haven't had time to test it thoroughly, but I've noticed from about
> test8-preX onwards (latest tested test8) that on shutdown, my /usr/local
> (/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part6, ReiserFS), is always "busy" - the
> last thing I see in shutdown -r now is:
> "Unmounting filesystems...
> /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part6 busy, mounting read-only
> Rebooting system..."
> (may not be absolute verbatim, but pretty close).
> I'm using the latest update of Debian 2.3 (Woody). I remember this problem
> sprung up a while ago. *shrug*
> :) d
> --
> Daniel Stone
> Kernel Hacker (or at least has aspirations to be)
> http://dustpuppy.ods.org
> Version: 3.1
> G!>CS d s++:- a---- C++ ULS++++$>B P---- L+++>++++ E+(joe)>+++ W++ N->++ !o K?
> w++(--) O---- M- V-- PS+++ PE- Y PGP>++ t--- 5-- X- R- tv-(!) b+++ DI+++ D+ G
> e->++ h!(+) r+(%) y? UF++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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