On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Rik van Riel wrote:
> OTOH, maybe we want to do /some/ background swapping of
> sleeping tasks, to smooth out the VM a bit at the point
> where we start to run into the situation where we need
> to swap something out...
This is something like what the previous VM did, and it was extremely annoying
when running on a system with only 32mb of ram. What would happen is that
processes started getting swapped out at the 16mb-free mark. While this is fine
for idle processes, it also began to blatantly swap out processes that were in
use up to 3 minutes ago. Typing 'w' would take a few seconds to come back up
as 'bash' had to get swapped back in. Yet, all the while there was 16mb of
space still taken up by cached files.
I'd like to be able to use that extra 16mb for process memory more than I would
for cache. When most of my programs get loaded up, it totals to around 24mb on
average, and medium-to-low disk access is used. I like the way it is now, where
it won't start swapping unless a process starts eating up memory quickly, or a
process starts to do a lot of disk access.
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