In article <local.mail.linux-kernel/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 05:48:44PM -0500, Tony Mantler wrote:
>> "It's the latency, stupid". I wouldn't care to argue whether CVS is slower
>> than BK or not, but consider that if you had a router between you and the
>> CVS server that was dropping even 5% of your packets, or even just bumping
>> the latency by a quarter second (and I've seen routers that do that. evil
>> things), the timing numbers will jump *significantly*.
>Well, err, I guess I'm pretty stupid, but how about this?  If the lxr guy
>is listening to all this, he could download a copy of BK, clone the FSMlabs
>tree, then I'll do a null pull from him, and we'll have an apples to apples
>comparison, now won't we?
>I think it's a pointless thing to do, I already know that CVS transfers way
>more data to do the same operation so it's a foregone conclusion it will be
>slower.  But I'm very happy to do it if the lxr guy (sorry, I've forgotten
>your name, I apologize) is willing.  Send me private mail, it shouldn't take
>very long at all to get you set up.

I don't know why I'm bothering to reply to this, but yes, if you're
trying to synchronize CVS source trees with only CVS, it will be slow.
Now, if you were to compare CVSup vs Bitkeeper, then things might get
more interesting.

(for those unaware of it, CVSup is a high-speed mechanism to
distribute CVS repositories, and uses several algorithms including
"rsync" to accomplish this.)
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