"Theodore Y. Ts'o" wrote:
> If you come up with robust, easy to patch source-code-level debugger for
> Linux, some people will use it, and some people won't. If it's better
> than kdb, eventually it'll displace kdb as the external kernel debugger
> of choice. As with all things, the cardinal rule in this community
> still applies: "show me the code".
> - Ted
Thanks Ted. I know, but a kernel debugger is one of those nasty pieaces
of software that can quickly get out of sync if it's maintained
separately from the tree -- the speed at which changes occur in Linux
would render it a very difficult project to maintain. If there's going
to be one (whichever one it is) it would need to be maintained and
dragged along with the kernel proper or it would be a maintenance
nightmare. Linus' dislike of the kernel debugger concept would also
assure that it would not be considered in design decisions moving
forward, which is probably the biggest disuader in the whole debate. I
don't spend money on things I believe are destined to fail. Until Linus
changes his mind, there's no point ...
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