I just got a spontaneous reboot in test8. My logs say nothing. It was less
than an hour after booting it into test8.
Looking at lkml, I saw two people with the same problem, and I noticed some
things in common with them:
- Both were using iptables
- Both were using ip forwarding (I guess)
- Both were using the _recently changed_ rtl8139 driver
So, I guess there's something wrong...
8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.8 loaded
eth0: RealTek RTL8139 Fast Ethernet board found at 0xefffff00, IRQ 10
eth0: Chip is 'RTL-8139B'
eth0: MAC address 00:e0:7d:78:fa:b4.
I'll send the rest of the dmesg output (or any other info on my hw) later if
needed, I'm afraid that if I wait too much to send this message it'll reboot
before I can do it =)
Cesar Eduardo Barros
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