Simon Huggins wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 08:46:56AM +1100, Keith Owens wrote:
> ... and a few more times recent weeks ...
> > <rant>
> > Why don't you look in linux/Documentation/Changes? That file exist
> > precisely to stop repeated questions like this on the linux kernel
> > developers list.
> > </rant>
> Because the file just lists versions you need. It doesn't say "since
> version x.y.z you need a newer version".
> Why not make it easy on people and have a log something like:
> 2.4.0-testX-preY
> Requires modutils-x.y.z otherwise you get error messages like
> "blah blah blah"
> Note you should no longer frobnicate the thingummie or bad
> things will happen.
> 2.3.whatever_it_was
> You need to mount shm on blah.
> Now when you tell them to read this file it sticks and *next time* they
> look there too.
> Why?
> Because it's a hell of a lot easier to work out what has changed from
> one version to the next.
> It also means that people who ran earlier pre versions of 2.4 but didn't
> upgrade in the mean time for one reason or another can find out what has
> changed between the few versions of this file.
> Stuff like the shm stuff and the modutils stuff has generated a fair bit
> of traffic. Having a step by step Changelog style file would help
> people get it right the first time.
> Comments?
I'd like to see a directory in the root of the kernel tree having the
name of the kernel version. Any patch that breaks things writes a one
or two line file into that directory. When it's time to release a
kernel version you do the following:
cat 2.4.0-testX/* >>Documentation/Changes
rm -rf 2.4.0-testX
Forgetting to do this rollup is ok, it doesn't hurt anything.
Forgetting to include the change log entry in the patch is ok too -
it's not any worse than the current situation.
This approach gives us a way of annotating the important effects of
patches that are actually applied.
I can think of various arguments for not doing this or something like
it, but the only substantive one I can think of is 'no, it would make
it easier to work with the kernel', and I guess this is the argument
that will be applied in this case. Disclaimer: I don't mind, in fact
being an elitist is kind of fun.
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