On Sat, 09 Sep 2000, Mark Hindley wrote:

>  No joy with specifying the memory size. I have 64MB. I have tried mem=64M and
>  32/16/8. Still just reboots.
>  Any other suggestions?
>  Mark

I've been having a similar problem with an i430TX m/b, P5-233MMX with
both stable and development kernels (RedHat 6.2)

Just tried 2.4.0-test7 and it rebooted after "Dynamic pty" (or something
similar).  I'll try the latest stable kernel again but the error has
always occurred at the IDE stage.  The only way I've got it to boot is
to use the RedHat .config, but that builds lots of stuff I don't want.

I sent a mail to the IDE maintainer about it a month or so ago.

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